
weisegirl1119 Posts: 122 Member
I am a bit confused. I recently found out I cant have Gluten . One book I read said No oatmeal but others have said oatmeal is ok. Whats been your experience?


  • JanLeb
    JanLeb Posts: 316 Member
    Oatmeal doesn't really bother me, but I know others can't go near it.

    I am somewhat new at this so I am not 100% sure, but from what I have read oatmeal in itself is gluten free, it is the cross contamination in the production facilities that may be the issue. You can also buy GF oatmeal if you find it bothers you.

    If I am wrong about this please those with more exprerience correct me on this.
  • restoreleanne
    restoreleanne Posts: 217 Member
    oats have a lot cross-contamination so you have to be very careful . I stay a way from everything that has gluten free one them bag.
  • gemiwing
    gemiwing Posts: 1,525 Member
    Some can tolerate oats and some cannot. Some get sick if there is cross-contamination and some (like me) simply cannot process the oat grain itself.

    My doc said avoid them the first six months going GF- then try them again and see if I get a reaction. I did (and yes, they were the GF certified kind) so I skip them now.
  • alyson820
    alyson820 Posts: 448 Member
    It depends. Try them after being GF for a few months and see how your body reacts. I can eat oats without a problem, and I have full blown celiac - other people can't have them without a reaction.
  • Anniepoo04
    Anniepoo04 Posts: 16 Member
    I cannot eat oatmeal but just found at my local grocery store gluten free oatmeal. I ate and it did not bother me at all.
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,179 Member
    I'm celiac and have found I can only eat certified gluten free oatmeal. My favorite is the plain (not flavored) Glutenfreeda brand. Good luck in finding something that works for you.
  • misspgreenwood
    I can tollerate a tiny amount of non GF oats - like 20grams - but I notice that I've eaten it so I avoid it.

    I can eat the GF oats - although I dont have them everyday.
  • Flab2fitfi
    Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
    I've never tried them - but with the positive responses on here I think I might get some as I know our free from section has the gf ones.
  • fancyladyJeri
    fancyladyJeri Posts: 1,316 Member
    You need to find the certified gluten free oatmeal too. It can be cross contaminated during processing. I have a bowl of Bob's Large Flake Gluten Free Oatmeal every morning for breakfast. I make it in my microwave. (it's not instant)

    1/3 cup oatmeal,
    2/3 cup water, dash of salt

    Cook 2 minutes, stir
    Cook 30 seconds

    Cover and let sit for 3 minutes
