Dating Disasters/Fails



  • Silver180
    Silver180 Posts: 294
    This thread has completely made my night! LOL
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    My best dating story- I met a friends fiancées friend when we were all out together he was a little odd but kept asking me out. Since I'm too nice to say no sometimes- I told him I would go out to dinner with him. My friend told me that she couldn't believe I said yes- probably a good sign to cancel but I figured how bad can it be. We met at the restaurant which I picked and he told me it was cheap enough that I could get 2 meals if I wanted- thanks but no thank you. I spent most of dinner listening to him talk or ask me odd questions like- do you have 8 kids? Then I said I worked part time at a shoe store and he said I was just like peg bundy from married with children and continued to compare me to her- not fun! Then we went to a movie called courageous and since I'm not religious it was NOT a good date movie I felt like catholic school getting the bible shoved down my throat. Well when we were walking out of the movie he told me(short version) "so you never talk about your mother". What?!?! "so you never talk about your mother, who is she with?". What?!?!? "who is your mom dating?" my response- my father. The best way to describe him was he was socially awkward. My friend called me the next morning to get all the details and laugh about the fact that I went out with him. A month later he texted me that he would crawl back to see me if I offered him another date ( he lived an hour away). My friend took care of that before I talked to him.

    I see him out when I meet up with my friend and he is a very nice guy just an odd date.

    omg.. all these stories are awesome but this guy. this guy is so random and weird! Hahahaha!

    I wish I had some funny date stories but I don't. Maybe that means I need to go on more dates.
  • mickeygirliegirl
    mickeygirliegirl Posts: 302 Member
    Well mine aren't too terrible, but I do feel compelled to share.

    First one is a date from match. I broke my own cardinal rule by accepting a date with someone who did not post a picture. We had talked a few times on the phone prior to meeting up and he seemed genuinely nice. He comes to pick me up and well, he SAID he was 35. He LOOKED more like he was 55. We had decided that we would go to a movie and "possibly drinks/dinner" afterward. We went to a movie because in our conversations we found out that we were both movie buffs and it would be a way to ease into a date (no forced conversation at this point). So we go to the movie. And he is Movie-Talker Guy. Seriously. Breaking down EVERY little thing that happens in the movie OUT LOUD. I cannot stand people who talk in movies. Let alone ones who try to break down the plot in a COMEDY! So I told him I needed to get home after the movie because I had to be to work early the next day. Needless to say, no second date there. He did email me a couple of weeks later saying that although I was really nice and pretty, he wasn't over his ex yet. I didn't respond.

    Second one met a guy from match. This guy did have a picture, and we had a few witty email exchanges so one afternoon we decided to meet up. We went to a local pub which I picked out because it was a place where a bunch of us from work would go often so I knew pretty much everyone that worked there. I wasn't sure about the guy initially (which should have been my red flag to not even accept the date) so I wanted to meet in a place that I felt safe and comfortable. Anyway, we meet, get a couple of drinks and he starts off complaining about the price of drinks at the bar and how it's not worth it. Then he launches into how he does drugs every day and how he will continue to do so and he doesn't care what anyone thinks. I'm thinking, dear God I wish I could chug Guinness because I need to get out of here. Well, he ends up asking me to leave the bar and go with him to a bonfire that his friends are having. Yeah, sure, I'm going to go with you stranger to some random people's house. I politely declined and went home.
  • BelMckenzie
    BelMckenzie Posts: 249
    I have come up with some more that I can think of-

    Orange Juice Guy-

    I admit I canceled the first date since he wanted to meet at Perkins at 10pm since he doesn't "do" bars. Well, I don't do caffeine at night and I only have eaten at Perkins after drinking in college- I said I would go but I'm not a fan of the place, that didn't deter him from wanting to take me there. But I had a headache so I cancelled and agreed to meet the following week during dinner hour where I picked the restaurant. So all week he texted me constantly even if I didn't respond he would text me and text me and text me. I work 2 jobs and my second job is 5:30-10 so I can't text and when I am done all I want to do is go to sleep- he would leave me 10 texts during that. It should have been my clue, but no I thought he was just nice and too interested in me. So I told him to stop texting me so much but I thought he seemed like a nice guy so I would still meet him. **This is one of my first couple of dates after being single so I fell into the nice guy routine (*oh, he is a nice guy, so maybe he would be a good mate) but I'm not in it anymore.** Anyways at the date we order drinks, I get a mixer and he orders orange juice and chugs it like a shot- very odd! He explains he was sorry for texting me so much but he doesn't have any friends so he wanted to talk to me. Come on now- that's a turn on:noway: Then he asked me how I can have cats since they are unclean animals but yet he has a bird that flys throughout his house?? I was so happy when the date was over, and no second date after that, yet he continued to text me and facebook stalk me (I blocked him after a few months).

    My parents favorite-

    So I went on a date with a guy a year older then me. He was a nice guy (see nice guy routine here) but there was nothing between us. The whole date, was -oh that's because I am so much older then you?!?! Well, then he told me that he had to step up to take care of his aging parents since they are getting so old and just can't keep up with anything anymore. So I ask the question- how old are your parents? mid 50s, well my parents were older and I said I make fun of my parents for being old but in no way are they are old and helpless. **** even my Grandma at 85 is living at home, does most everything by herself, we had to convince to let us pick up her yard work.

    One more-
    Again a set up- he told me it was nice to date someone with so many goals in their life and to be very focused on their future (I was 25) because his ex-girlfriend was not. It came to be his ex was 18 and in college- well when I was 18 in college, I spend quite a bit of my time having fun too. :noway:
  • Tropical_Turtle
    Tropical_Turtle Posts: 2,236 Member
    This entire thread has made me feel sooooo much better about my dating history! THANKS!!!! :laugh:

    Me too!
  • PeekABooGirl
    PeekABooGirl Posts: 218 Member
    I've thankfully (and knock on wood) not had any really horrible date stories. But, I do tend to email/text/phone quite a bit longer before meeting up than most people do. So by the time I do agree to meet a guy, I we both pretty much feel comfortable.

    About a month ago (I wrote about here) a super hot buff guy contacted me on POF and we emailed a few times, then texted a few days and I agreed to meet up for drinks at Panera over the weekend. (Bear in mind, talking only a week before meeting up is RARE for me but I was feeling bold so I agreed...haha) I learned on that meet up that he was in AA (I've got no issues with that, and was appreciative that he was upfront about it) but he also was having a hard time getting off of chewing tobacco and struggling daily with it. (Again, I chose to overlook it but was wondering if he had severe addictions, in general). Meet up went well, actually kissed him as we said goodbye which I don't normally do n a first meetup. Then while texting the next day, he cannot stop with all the sex questions. (How do you like it? Most risky place you've done it? Favorite position? Do you have toys?) Then out of the blue a few hours later he texts to say "I cannot stop thinking of burying my face in your chest" REALLY??????? Then he admits that he also is perhaps a sex addict.

    Oiy. too many addictions for me to deal with.
  • hewhoiscd
    hewhoiscd Posts: 1,029 Member I've been on dates where we just didn't hit it off, but nothing like you all are posting. The closest I can get would be the ones that talk about their Ex the whole date...then ask me at the end why I didn't talk much, lol.
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    Ever leave a date then realize, "Oh my god, I'm their bad date story!"

    Yes! Went on a date with this guy, and at the end he kissed me on the cheek and I ran away. Needless to say that was the last date. Haha
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member

    Yes! Went on a date with this guy, and at the end he kissed me on the cheek and I ran away. Needless to say that was the last date. Haha

    Was that you??? Did you ever go back and contact him again?
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member

    Yes! Went on a date with this guy, and at the end he kissed me on the cheek and I ran away. Needless to say that was the last date. Haha

    Was that you??? Did you ever go back and contact him again?

    Haha yes I had another thread about this! We talked a little bit after it but he never asked me out again..and then the night before graduation from my parents hotel room I saw him walking into a restaurant so I texted him to say "I just saw you!" He said "haha where?" back and I said "oh my from parents hotel" and that was it. The next day at graduation he was rude to me (wouldn't talk to me - when I tried to talk to him, he walked away). Not sure what I really did, but oh well.

    It's too bad though because he was a good friend before this.
  • lmd172
    lmd172 Posts: 172
    This entire thread has made me feel sooooo much better about my dating history! THANKS!!!! :laugh:

    Me too!

    me three!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    The next day at graduation he was rude to me (wouldn't talk to me - when I tried to talk to him, he walked away). Not sure what I really did, but oh well.

    It's too bad though because he was a good friend before this.

    that is too bad... :ohwell: I've got many stories like that where the emotion overtook me and I just ran or grabbed him funny or hugged him funny awkward or something dumb like that. I'd say it took me a good year of dating to learn how to calm my nerves down! Next!
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    The next day at graduation he was rude to me (wouldn't talk to me - when I tried to talk to him, he walked away). Not sure what I really did, but oh well.

    It's too bad though because he was a good friend before this.

    that is too bad... :ohwell: I've got many stories like that where the emotion overtook me and I just ran or grabbed him funny or hugged him funny awkward or something dumb like that. I'd say it took me a good year of dating to learn how to calm my nerves down! Next!

    I get so awkward too and I do weird things!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i have recently started dating again. last summer i signed up for OKC, and made sure that people knew i was NOT looking to date but get out there are learn how to meet and talk with people again. spending 15 yrs with the same person and 5 small kids ( stay at home mom) doesn't really prepare you for talking to strangers and meeting new people, that you probably have little in common with.

    the second guy i hung out with i met for brunch and we hit it off so we spent the afternoon walking through downtown and window shopping. come to find out, he was trying to have sex with as many women as he could! LOL. he proceeded to tell me how he had met a women the night before, a doctor i believe she was, and she invited him back to her place.... to sleep in separate rooms. however, she climbed in bed with him at some point and they had sex ALL NIGHT LONG and then again right before he met me for brunch!!! . geesh......... he hadn't even been home yet, LOL!

    in the fall i started actually dating. i went on multiple dates with several guys. they were all duds. the first guy, i'm pretty sure was married. there were all sorts of random things that just never made sense or added up. it got to the point where i asked him to just leave me alone. he still randomly contacts me though.

    the second guy, seemed like a really nice guy. we went out to dinner once, it was nice and pleasant. nothing odd. our next meeting was lunch. again, fine. that following weekend though he sent me a text about dirty things he wanted to do with my boobs. i told him that he was making me uncomfortable, seeing as how we hadn't done ANYTHING besides him kissing me good bye once. he apologized and i decided to let it slide. he was going on about how nice they were and how my zip up hoodie had shown them off so well. :noway: HA!

    so, date three was dinner. i didn't finish my entree, so he asked if he could! he finished his food and all of mine. that made me go, "huh?!?!" he has some extra weight on him, and he just gotten done telling me that he wanted to do some fitness challenge at work, and that he had completed p90x several years ago. i was in the middle of it when i met him. at the end of the date he kissed me good night and i noticed he tasted like smoke. he lied about being a smoker. grrrr...

    between date 3 and 4, it came out that he wasn't actually divorced, and that it was going to be several more months before the papers would be signed because he was going to stay on his wife's health insurance. during date 4 i told him that i was not comfortable dating or being physical with someone that was still legally married. he told me that other women were ok with it. that it was not a big deal! i told him i would pay for my half of the meal, just to make it clear to him that this was NOT a date and that we could be friends, but no more dating while was legally married. he asked me to hang out after dinner and i told him i would under no circumstances do anything physical with him and that included kissing. well, 10 min after the tour of his place and us sitting, me with my coat on still, he starts getting grabby and kissy. i told him i was gonna leave if he kept it up, and he did, so, i left! he texted a couple times after that, but i didn't speak to him or see him ever again.

    the second guy that i went on multiple dates with, was pretty great up til like date 4 or 5. we were going to go out to a bar to see a band he liked play. i drove up to his place later in the afternoon and we had lunch and then went shopping for a bit, and then back to his place to wait til dinner/ bar time. well, he started drinking at like 7-8p. and before i knew it he was arguing with a good guy friend of his that was over and i was stuck in the middle it was very uncomfortable. by 11p, he had completely passed out!!! i could not wake him up at all. i left. never spoke to him again. he never contacted me again either.

    i took a break after that. three guys, that were duds, in like 4 months was enough for me :-)
  • christine24t
    christine24t Posts: 6,063 Member
    he proceeded to tell me how he had met a women the night before, a doctor i believe she was, and she invited him back to her place.... to sleep in separate rooms. however, she climbed in bed with him at some point and they had sex ALL NIGHT LONG and then again right before he met me for brunch!!! . geesh......... he hadn't even been home yet, LOL!

    I can't believe he told you that!!
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    i was surprised too. i mean, we were not on a date, and i was pretty clear that nothing physical was going to happen between us. so, maybe he saw me as a "friend?" but, still!!! he went on and on about that night and about meeting women on adult friend finder. then in the next breath would say something about wanting to meet someone he could settle down with!!! crazy!
    he proceeded to tell me how he had met a women the night before, a doctor i believe she was, and she invited him back to her place.... to sleep in separate rooms. however, she climbed in bed with him at some point and they had sex ALL NIGHT LONG and then again right before he met me for brunch!!! . geesh......... he hadn't even been home yet, LOL!

    oh, i forgot about the guy that met someone else while waiting for me to show up! we talked for a couple days on the phone and agreed to meet one night and a bar he spends time in ( biker bar ;-)). so, we had been texting/ calling until it was time for me to leave to get there. i told him what i was wearing, sent a pic even. he was good to go. then about 20 min before i got there he stopped responding to my texts. he hadn't confirmed if he was actually there yet. he lived closer.

    so, i park and tell him i'm close and ask him to just confirm he is in there because i had no clue what this place was. or where he would be, and i only had the pic to go off of. he didn't respond. i walked in, looked around and headed towards the back. then i saw him. sitting at table in front of the stage, facing me. he caught my eyes, then IMMEDIATELY looked down and away. there was a girl next to him, hanging on him!!

    so, i turned around and left. the next day, he sent a text that he had fallen asleep and had never made it there, LOL!!!!!! i think i actually responded something like " i went. pretty sure i saw you there." something along those lines. never heard back from him. i had connected with him via OKC. a couple months later, he sent me a message on another dating website asking me if i was into polyamory!!!! needless to say, i ignored that ;-)

    another guy, second date, kissed him good night. he texted that he liked the preview and couldn't wait for more. never heard from him again either.

    the guys in my area, don't impress me much. :huh: