Does Super-Fast-Sizzle Always Lead to Super-Heartbreak?

JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
Ok guys... on another thread I posted this which I didn't realize was gonna make some of the ladies sad. I know the people involved in the post, so I'm not gonna delete it... but please answer HeLovesMe's question... in your experience... when someone moves real fast (whether guy or gal) does it usually result in heartbreak?
It's because you are moving much faster than normal. Most guys who do this end up breaking the girl's heart in a big way.

If my friend were showered with gifts, facebook "relationshipped," told he was "in love" with her from the get go and started talking about moving after only knowing the guy for 2 months I would tell her to enjoy it while it lasts but prepare for a huge rude awakening down the road. More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.

May not be true in your case. But that's what usually happens.

Is this really true?


  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    Gulp. I'm a scared. lol
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    It has in the past for me but let me explain.

    When I first met my ex, he liked me. We were just teens. I wasn't into him at all and kept him as a friend. Fast forward to when we're 21 and 19... we see each other after 2 years being the last time we saw each other and I felt a BAM. He had grown up, got handsome, was in ministry, was pleasant and I was smitten. He on the other hand, rejected me as he wouldn't date any girl who had rejected him in the past (he was an ugly duckling). We became best friends while he knew I still had the hots for him. About 5-6 months later he fell- hard. He did a complete turn on me and went super duper fast. We couldn't be w/o each other. We even cried one night because he had to go home (it was like a 20 min drive :noway: ). I lost all my friends, so did he. We completely merged and we couldn't even think about being w/o each other. We were married 5-6 months later... Lived unhappily ever after until last year. :bigsmile:
    My ex and I had a very codependent relationship. And in many codependent relationships, one of the red flags is moving too fast. It's unhealthy and most likely will lead to heartbreak or simply a miserable time.

    But, I refuse to let that ruin any possibility that when you KNOW, you KNOW. There's a difference. It's healthy. You still have boundaries. You also know that although you really care about the person, you can live w/o them. But boy, you know it's something special from the very beginning. I have never had this happen until Smiley.
    We are one of the "fast couples" on the board that you may be talking about. And it was fast for me too. But it truly was magical. I have never experienced this in my life. And if it dies, well then it just wasn't it. At the same time, what if it is??? I can tell my grandchildren that from the first second I layed eyes on their grand daddy, I was smitten and knew it was something special and how we couldn't take our eyes off of each other and our faces hurt from smiling so much. Smiley would tell you the very same thing.

    OMG WHO IS THIS?!?! I swear I feel like Jekyll and Hyde...

    So while I do believe what you're saying.. I also believe there can be exceptions, rare rare exceptions.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I refuse to let that ruin any possibility that when you KNOW, you KNOW.

    The last person who put me in my place about this a couple months ago, insisting that, at our age, we just KNOW, is back on the market. I'm glad they had fun, and hopefully they didn't get hurt too bad.
    We are one of the "fast couples" on the board that you may be talking about.
    Not this time, lol… You answered my reservations about Smiley when you gave me the back story. ;-) but even Smiley is taking things more reasonably paced than my friend in the other thread.
    I can tell my grandchildren that from the first second I layed eyes on their grand daddy, I was smitten and knew it was something special and how we couldn't take our eyes off of each other and our faces hurt from smiling so much.

    That would be so cool!!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Gulp. I'm a scared. lol

    Don't be scared... lol... I'm sure the guys will jump in here and tell you I'm just bitter. :flowerforyou:

    Just enjoy your man, and don't worry!
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Not sexually, but emotionally yes, I agree. If he's immediately talking about love, kids, getting married and moving in together... well I usually just assume he's either 1) lying, saying what he thinks I want to hear or 2) clingy. Either way, get it away from me.

    OMG WHO IS THIS?!?! I swear I feel like Heckle and Jeckle...

    Do you mean Jekyll and Hyde? :3
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Not sexually, but emotionally yes, I agree. If he's immediately talking about love, kids, getting married and moving in together... well I usually just assume he's either 1) lying, saying what he thinks I want to hear or 2) clingy. Either way, get it away from me.

    OMG WHO IS THIS?!?! I swear I feel like Heckle and Jeckle...

    Do you mean Jekyll and Hyde? :3

    Muahahaha.. I've been murdering words today.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    I refuse to let that ruin any possibility that when you KNOW, you KNOW.

    The last person who put me in my place about this a couple months ago, insisting that, at our age, we just KNOW, is back on the market. I'm glad they had fun, and hopefully they didn't get hurt too bad.
    We are one of the "fast couples" on the board that you may be talking about.
    Not this time, lol… You answered my reservations about Smiley when you gave me the back story. ;-) but even Smiley is taking things more reasonably paced than my friend in the other thread.
    I can tell my grandchildren that from the first second I layed eyes on their grand daddy, I was smitten and knew it was something special and how we couldn't take our eyes off of each other and our faces hurt from smiling so much.

    That would be so cool!!

    I'm glad we have your approval!!! :love: :bigsmile: :heart:
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I was hoping the guys would really jump into this thread... the last time they were this silent was when I asked them to tell me if I was wrong with my comment on another thread "When they just want to get laid, they go for the older, uglier, heavy girls. When they want to find a girlfriend or wife, they go for the young beautiful (and often crazy!) girls."

    None of them did. Which I took to mean that I was right more often than not. Not always, of course, because my mom has been happily married to her first post-divorce fling for over 20 years… and he’s 15 years younger than she.

    So guys... should we take your silence as agreement? Lack of interest? Your way of telling me I didn’t bring enough sammiches…?
  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    I'm here. Just trying to consume the thread and get the jist of what is what..........actually speaking from experience I think super fast sizzling can be a good thing cause u need sexual chemistry, passion and high intensity to fuel the fire and get the relationship cooking. The key is do you have substance that will keep it going after the "newness" wears off cause we all knows it will.

    Oh yeah I don't need a samwich just bring the cakes
  • poncho33
    poncho33 Posts: 1,511
    I was hoping the guys would really jump into this thread... the last time they were this silent was when I asked them to tell me if I was wrong with my comment on another thread "When they just want to get laid, they go for the older, uglier, heavy girls. When they want to find a girlfriend or wife, they go for the young beautiful (and often crazy!) girls."

    None of them did. Which I took to mean that I was right more often than not. Not always, of course, because my mom has been happily married to her first post-divorce fling for over 20 years… and he’s 15 years younger than she.

    So guys... should we take your silence as agreement? Lack of interest? Your way of telling me I didn’t bring enough sammiches…?

    I'd say you're wrong on both accounts.

    1st your looking to get laid scenario: If I were hypothetically at a party or bar looking to get laid, I would look for someone I'm attracted to, just like I would if I were looking for a relationship. Where it would get tricky is, can I find a willing participant that I'm attracted to. I had a pretty good amount of one night stands in my early 20's and let me tell you, they just happen. It's not like a lion stalking prey! Ya meet, your attracted, have a fun time and end up in bed together. Both parties want it and it happens. There is no bad guy... which is why typically people are disappointed in themselves and don't feel a victim the next morning.

    2nd, the fizzle: Your thinking here is defensive thinking... who cares what happens most of the time, live life. Let's say one of these fast moving relationships burn up after 2 months... is that any worse than a 2 year relationship burning up, or a marriage??? In fact I would say it's better. Move at what pace feels right and go with the flow. There is no science to relationships.

    That is my take.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    First thing is that it was sort of predicated as a "when did you stop beating your wife?" issue.
    I know it was stated in the op that it was a question for guys and gals but the quoted posts isolated on it being (shockingly,I know) a thing a guy does that hurts women.
    I know that was not the intent but starts us at a defensive position.

    As to the question at hand I would suggest that both genders are as likely as the other to start fast,trust me have seen ladies do that too.
    Is it more a female or male thing...I have no idea.

    What has been sort of established in threads is that many to most ladies will move extremely fast in their minds to a deep relationship status.
    There is also a first blush of excitement for both as the crush grows into an infatuation,a getting to know each other period etc.

    It is inevitable to wane as time goes and I presume that is the point two folks move into a deeper relationship but if a lady is clinging to the euphoria of the crush she will likely read it as a guy not caring and be hurt.
    It could be he has simply moved to the next phase faster.

    That is not he same as if a guy/gal starts to completely ignore the other...that is a sign of no interest and I would guess that since a lady perhaps has realized in her mind a relationship and he only was exploring it then she probably will feel hurt although it is not a deliberate thing on either ones part.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Only because you didn't take the time to find out who you were dealing with first. I don't think it always leads to heartbreak, but if you move fast, I think you better prepare yourself for disappointment.
  • Roadie2000
    Roadie2000 Posts: 1,801 Member
    In my experience, all relationships end up with somebody getting hurt, it doesn't matter how fast or slow you take things. Things always seem to settle after the lust/honeymoon phase is over, that doesn't mean it's the guys fault for leading her on.

    Will some guys say pretty much anything to get laid? Probably.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056
    2nd, the fizzle: Your thinking here is defensive thinking... who cares what happens most of the time, live life. Let's say one of these fast moving relationships burn up after 2 months... is that any worse than a 2 year relationship burning up, or a marriage??? In fact I would say it's better. Move at what pace feels right and go with the flow. There is no science to relationships.

    That is my take.

    I love your take. lol.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    First thing is that it was sort of predicated as a "when did you stop beating your wife?" issue.
    I know it was stated in the op that it was a question for guys and gals but the quoted posts isolated on it being (shockingly,I know) a thing a guy does that hurts women.
    I know that was not the intent but starts us at a defensive position.

    As to the question at hand I would suggest that both genders are as likely as the other to start fast,trust me have seen ladies do that too.
    Is it more a female or male thing...I have no idea.

    What has been sort of established in threads is that many to most ladies will move extremely fast in their minds to a deep relationship status.
    There is also a first blush of excitement for both as the crush grows into an infatuation,a getting to know each other period etc.

    It is inevitable to wane as time goes and I presume that is the point two folks move into a deeper relationship but if a lady is clinging to the euphoria of the crush she will likely read it as a guy not caring and be hurt.
    It could be he has simply moved to the next phase faster.

    That is not he same as if a guy/gal starts to completely ignore the other...that is a sign of no interest and I would guess that since a lady perhaps has realized in her mind a relationship and he only was exploring it then she probably will feel hurt although it is not a deliberate thing on either ones part.

    Honestly, I agree with everything Carl has written here.

    And my two cents on it mirrors this:
    2nd, the fizzle: Your thinking here is defensive thinking... who cares what happens most of the time, live life. Let's say one of these fast moving relationships burn up after 2 months... is that any worse than a 2 year relationship burning up, or a marriage??? In fact I would say it's better. Move at what pace feels right and go with the flow. There is no science to relationships.

    That is my take.

    Being in the beginning of something that is moving much faster than I am accustomed to, I am just living in the moment because it deserves to be cherished. I don't consider it wasting time any more than I consider my marriage a waste.

    Besides, we could all die tomorrow. Let's just live for the moment, because tomorrow will come with it's own moments to live.
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
    In my experience, all relationships end up with somebody getting hurt, it doesn't matter how fast or slow you take things. Things always seem to settle after the lust/honeymoon phase is over, that doesn't mean it's the guys fault for leading her on.

    Will some guys say pretty much anything to get laid? Probably.

    Some women, too.

    I don't think that there is a set formula for playing the game and I certainly do not believe that one umbrella covers all heads.
  • Steelheart7
    Steelheart7 Posts: 1,056

    Besides, we could all die tomorrow.

    LOL .. I saw a sign over the weekend that said something like .. Don't take life too seriously, none of us gets out alive ..
  • Bikini27
    Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member

    Besides, we could all die tomorrow.

    LOL .. I saw a sign over the weekend that said something like .. Don't take life too seriously, none of us gets out alive ..

    Exactly :)
    Another quote for you:
    "It is a risk to love.
    What if it doesn't work out?
    Ah, but what if it does?"
    Peter McWilliams

    I missed the original posting, but if you're feeling the feelings and he is too? Go for it. Mark Twain says this even better:
    "In 20 years, you will be more dissapointed by what you didn't do than by what you did."

    Yes, there are always going to be people against it, some with very valid reasons. At the end of the day, it is your life and you must do what feels right or you will always look back and go "What If".

  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I missed the original posting,

    It's the "friends are sabotaging" thread. His new gf's friends are saying he's not good for her, moving too fast. Unsure if they're saying that because some of them saying that are guys (jealous?) and I said it's because usually guys who do what he's doing break the girls heart in a big way.

    I'm all for having fun... I just think we forget that 9 times out of 10 these kinds of things are just that... fun... and not lasting. If they lasted more often, I suspect few of us would still be single.

    Thanks everyone for your inputs… you’ve given me a lot to think about.
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    It's because you are moving much faster than normal. Most guys who do this end up breaking the girl's heart in a big way.

    If my friend were showered with gifts, facebook "relationshipped," told he was "in love" with her from the get go and started talking about moving after only knowing the guy for 2 months I would tell her to enjoy it while it lasts but prepare for a huge rude awakening down the road. More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear.

    1st, It takes 2 people to move at any or slow. So let's stop with the constant beating up of the guys and maybe say hey ladies...take some responsibility for your part in all of this.

    2nd, I am also getting tired of the assumption that he is doing it to get laid...newsflash, I can get laid any time I want. If I just want to get laid, you will know, because I will tell you all I want out of this relationship is sex. If that doesnt work for you I will move on.

    When things move fast it is usually that getting to know you honeymoon phase and yes it is often great sex and that is the issue. Both parties confuse great sex with compatability. At some point we really start to get to know each other and one or both parties start to realize, this isnt the emotional relationship I am looking for and it does fizzle. Unfortunately this happens a lot with those that start off with a bang, because we do confuse that rush of endorphins for a deeper connection than is really there.

    But to arbitrarily say it is because
    "More than likely he's only doing for show, or ego, upset an ex, or some other ulterior motive. And hot sex. And once that itch is sufficiently scratched, he will likely disappear." That just isnt fair or even correct.

    Im now done with my rant

    edited because it all ended up in quotes