Let's start with introductions!!!



  • Sky_Of_Aegis
    Sky_Of_Aegis Posts: 114
    Hi I am Louise, I suffer from anxiety and panic disorder. I have had episodes where I am unable to leave my house. I have been on and off varied medications since 2000 when I was diagnosed. I often struggled with weight in the past but only an extra 15-20 lbs. Since the medications I find it very difficult to keep my weight under control. The medications make me tired and I don't feel like exercising and seem to lower my inhibition to eat unhealthy foods. I used to be quite picky about eating right and took exercise regularly. Sometimes I feel robbed of living the full life I used to have and now face losing 100 lbs which guess what? Gives me anxiety!!!

    Medication can give that robbing sensation. I remember when I was on Prozac and Seroquel. I became a suicidal zombie, and immediately took myself off the medication. Even the ones that work for me make me feel drunk. I am breaking finally after 5 years, and plan on returning to the doctor.
  • thubbard6
    thubbard6 Posts: 2
    Hi my name is Tasha and I have Bipolar II, anxiety and depression. My bipolar is less manic episodes and more depression to the point that I will stay for days in bed just sleeping my life away. Right now, I am going through a nasty divorce and am forced to live with my soon to be ex right now due to lack of a job. I can't keep jobs because of my bipolar I either call in or they think I'm crazy when I do have my mania. My anxiety is so deep that I feel like I have to "perfect" at my job which makes it worse and sometimes I can't even keep up. I am an RN and have been working the floor for 20 yrs. Thus, I have had several surgeries due to torn ligaments from my work. My body is breaking down after all the stress it's put me under. I also have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia which is a very difficult thing to have. My mom has it really bad and now my 16 yr old has it also. Geez, what else can I say? I am on several medications such as Seroques XR, Xanax XR, Lamictal, Lexapro. They do help me a lot. But the one thing that helps above all is working out. It gives me such a release of all the "feel good" hormones and helps get rid of the anger due to the emotional abuse I get not only from my soon to be ex but his pregnant daughter, too. Just so much has happened in my life over the last 10 years it's unbelievable. My step father died on Nov 14 from brain cancer at the age of 56; my mom had back surgery on 12/29 and she is still not over it. But there are two very important bright lights in my life. My four beautiful children. Two of which I adopted as a single mother (which is unusual) that were exposed to drugs from their bio mom. My daughter is 11 and she has developmental problems, but she is the sweetest person on the face of this earth even when she is bullied, she won't bully back. My son is 9 and has mild autism, but he is sooo smart and also is a very loving little boy. I have two beautiful bio girls from a previous marriage which was both emotional and physical abuse. My girls are 17 and 15. So, that's one (or a few) bright lights. On 7/7/12, my mom, and the two little kids and I are going to travel up the East coast and go whale watching for 4 hours, go to Nantucket, etc. It's the little kids first vacation and my mom usually takes vacations twice per year, but since my stepdad died, she would be too lonely to go by herself. So I cannot wait! That will relieve some stress.
    So that is a little bit about me and I am on here to lose around 80 pounds. So, hope I can do it!:smile:
  • OCmama87
    OCmama87 Posts: 10
    Hi, my name is Taylor, and I have been diagnosed with Generalized Anxiety Disorder as well as mild Obsessive Compulsive Disorder. I am 24, married, and have an almost 3 year old little girl. Currently I see a psychologist once a week and use some self hypnosis to control my anxiety. I highly recommend a book called, The Feeling Good Handbook to anyone dealing with anxiety or depression. I am considering a low dose of medication and will be meeting with a psychiatrist to discuss that. The medication because I do have some pretty severe anxiety attacks that I have yet to be able to control with calming methods. In the past I have also used alcohol to get rid of anxiety, never and alcoholic or anything but I'm trying to curb alcohol with my dieting. Eating healthier or actually I should say, eating less, is very difficult with the anxiety that I have because I definitely eat to make myself feel "better". I look forward to discussing this more with everyone here, and finding some support because I'm not sure my family really understands what I'm going through.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    hi im bipolar ll n here.
  • Hickyvikki69
    Hickyvikki69 Posts: 371 Member
    hi im bipolar ll n here.

    also borderline personality disorder
  • Sky_Of_Aegis
    Sky_Of_Aegis Posts: 114
    Hey everyone! Just checking in! Been so busy these past few days... I hope everyone has had some great, low to no anxiety days, and I hope everyone is doing well on their quest to be a healthier you!
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    Sunny with PTSD and Severe Depression and possibly some form of bipolar disorder.
    I started noticing things were weird around 5th grade. By my freshman I had attempted suicide twice. I'm running on attempt 4, but trying to control my urges. I'm on Zoloft which has helped me GREATLY. I was in a 10 week IOP group-counciling session, going 3 times per week. Since I've been out, the urges are less, but still there, particularly as of late.
    Just looking for love and support in a group setting. The IOP program did wonders, and I'm sure a little more support will be great.
  • maikastar
    maikastar Posts: 78
    I'm Kate. I'm 37, and a single mother of a 15 year old. I have bipolar II, a severe generalised anxiety disorder, a panic disorder, agoraphobia, a social phobia, PTSD and also BPD. So a whole lot of hard work to treat, and the fact that the meds cause weight gain, and one of my meds has been linked to developing PCOS means I have to be very careful about what I eat. For me, treatment has involved antidepressants, mood stabilisers, tranquilisers and lots of therapy.

    I think the hardest thing for me is watching my daughter struggle through some of the same things I'm going through. The next hardest is wanting to exercise, but often being to panicked to make it even as far as my letter box. Exercise dvds and the dance/fitness games for the Wii have become massively important to me.

    Ummm...yeah. That's about it for now. I'm looking forward to being in touch with all of you though :)
  • horsesalwaysknewher
    horsesalwaysknewher Posts: 15 Member
    My name is Meghan. I'm 27 and was diagnosed with generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder when I was 14. I also struggle with depression and mild OCD. I've been on medication ever since--I was on Celexa for about 11 years and it contributed significantly to my weight gain. I'm now on Lexapro and in psychoanalysis four days a week to try and resolve some of my issues and help me get the weight off. I have about 150 pounds to lose. I live in metro Detroit, so if anyone in the area wants someone to talk to, send me a message!
  • mistycastle
    mistycastle Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I'm Melanie, 24 years old and I've suffered from panic attacks since I was 18. I don't have children or abusive parents or anything, but I'm terrified of dying and think this is why I panic all the time. I find it embarrassing and frustrating. Sometimes I wish I would just die during a panic attack and get it all over with.

    But other than that everything is fine!
  • Angsmi90
    Angsmi90 Posts: 1
    Hi, I'm Angela, I'm 21 and fairly recently I've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, after suffering silently for a few years. On bad days (which are increasing dramatically, which was what led to finally being diagnosed) I find it extrememly difficult to leave the house, making it very difficult to exercise. I also have a tendency to comfort eat on these days. Hoping to make a few friends and get the support I feel I need, as I'm not currently receiving it from my family, who compare my issues to those of my sister, who has been suffering from Bipolar for years now, and obviously find them insignificant.
  • Sky_Of_Aegis
    Sky_Of_Aegis Posts: 114
    Hi, I'm Angela, I'm 21 and fairly recently I've been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder, after suffering silently for a few years. On bad days (which are increasing dramatically, which was what led to finally being diagnosed) I find it extrememly difficult to leave the house, making it very difficult to exercise. I also have a tendency to comfort eat on these days. Hoping to make a few friends and get the support I feel I need, as I'm not currently receiving it from my family, who compare my issues to those of my sister, who has been suffering from Bipolar for years now, and obviously find them insignificant.

    There is a major significance, and they need to know. If they are ignorant, they can't do anything to help you, and to me, if your family can't understand you, then that is just sad. My father suffers Panic Disorder like I do, so he is knowledgeable about the condition, but at the same time, he isn't the type to talk and sympathize about it. He usually takes his meds and drinks often. Granted I like to drink, but I am no where near his level. Bipolar and Anxiety are apples and oranges. Though you may become irritable due to anxiety, it doesn't make you Bipolar.
  • Sky_Of_Aegis
    Sky_Of_Aegis Posts: 114
    Sunny with PTSD and Severe Depression and possibly some form of bipolar disorder.
    I started noticing things were weird around 5th grade. By my freshman I had attempted suicide twice. I'm running on attempt 4, but trying to control my urges. I'm on Zoloft which has helped me GREATLY. I was in a 10 week IOP group-counciling session, going 3 times per week. Since I've been out, the urges are less, but still there, particularly as of late.
    Just looking for love and support in a group setting. The IOP program did wonders, and I'm sure a little more support will be great.

    I know things can be tough, but nothing is worth dying for, unless it is to save another. Life is too precious to waste the one we are given. I want to live as long as I can, be it with or without my anxiety. One thing that helps me is to remember that someone out there always has it worse than I do. It gives me strength to be grateful for what I have, rather than depressed and dreading what each day will bring me. Just remember that you are worth it, just like everyone else in the world, especially the ones whom seek only to better themselves. Life is limited, Death is inevitable and forever. There's no need to rush to see if there is a better place on the other side, especially if me must all someday go there anyways.
  • rayahmarie333
    rayahmarie333 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi... I'll be 40 in Sept. and I have a severe anxiety disorder with panic attacks and heart palps. It was diagnosed about 16 years ago. I take a small amount of Zoloft since my OB won't allow me to take Effexor XR, which is what I was on at one time before trying to get preganant. Zoloft lessens the severity of my panic attacks, but doesn't take them away. When I feel one coming on, I try to walk around or jump/jog in place to use up the adrenaline in my blood stream and try to increase oxygen. I read that in a book called, "When Panic Attacks". Although I read it years ago, I found it very informative. I also try to focus my attention on and name: 5 things I see, 5 things I hear, and 5 things I feel. Then repeat if necessary. A therapist I used to see told me to try that and it helps me some. Playing the Wii or Xbox can also help. I just bought Your Shape Fitness Evolved 2010 and I love it. It's a wonderful exercise game with a great Yoga and Zen Energy activities. I need all the calmness I can get! Thank you for starting this group.
  • YennaBean
    YennaBean Posts: 77 Member
    My name is Jenna. I'm 23, married with 2 kids. I was diagnosed with depression three times actually, twice as a young teen. Just recently my cardiologist suggested I see a doctor for anxiety, because I have really bad heart palpitations/PVCS. I've gone to the hospital and they tell me nothing is wrong with me, so that sucks. Sometimes exercise helps.. sometimes it doesn't. I'm learning how to control my panic attacks, they hit me out of nowhere. But sometimes they come when there's a lot going on around me. I'm really into herbal supplements. So far I found that taking Gotu Kola helps me calm down when I feel really stressed, or when I have trouble sleeping. :smile:

    I don't know too many people with my problem. I know people with heart palpitations but not nearly as bad as mine are. I've quit drinking and smoking to see if it helps, but it doesn't seem to. But I won't do those things because I don't want to risk another health problem. Lol
  • JonGrandi88
    JonGrandi88 Posts: 137
    My Name Is Jon and I am 23. I was diagnosed back in November of 2011 with anxiety when I was rushed to the Hospital because I had No idea what was going on with me. I thought I was dying and it didnt help i decided to smoke a little weed that night. I have been trying to learn how to deal with this for a very long time, and every one around me constantly tells me its all in my head and it should be easy to get off of it (this is where i look at them and in my head im saying F' You!). Since I have become single it has helped me relieve stress more because I need a woman who wouldn't treat me like she has. Exercise has actually been one of the few things that has semi helped me out. I have always wanted to find people to help support me in this ****ty anxiety life.
  • SKP1986
    SKP1986 Posts: 392 Member
    Hello, I am Samantha and I am soon to be 26. I was diagnosed with GAD paired with self-harm in high school. I've seen different therapists since then, but always shy away from it whenever any real progress seems to be made. I live inside my head far too much and can't really pin down specific triggers to my anxiety. Different things seem to trigger it at different times and I never get any better at dealing with it. Exercise has started helping a little, but it is worst at night when my mind wanders and I get overwhelmed.
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    Hi, I'm Amanda and I am a 24 year old single mother (my son is 3 and a half). I've been living with depression since I was a senior in high school, and I'm not sure when I started to have anxiety attacks. I didn't know for a long time that they actually were anxiety attacks. I also have insomnia which is related to my depression. My depression is very cyclical, and I just recently had to start taking my meds because it became too much to handle.
    I used to cut myself, and I "experimented" with a lot of drugs when I was younger, and I'm also a binge eater, but now I'm hoping that exercise will help me control my stress and anxiety in a healthier way. So far, I have the binges under control.

    I'm really looking forward to meeting people who know what I'm going through and won't judge me at all, and I hope I can do the same for all of you! :flowerforyou:
  • Honeybee165
    Honeybee165 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi all, I'm Jennifer, anxiety has had a huge impact in my life and my weight loss... I don't know how to deal wit this problem other than binging. I'm currently taking meds and soon I will start therapy, but I think I could use the support from u guys.

    If u can relate and want to add me, I will appreciate it. I'm new to MFP, but I'm so glad I found this group.
  • Sky_Of_Aegis
    Sky_Of_Aegis Posts: 114
    Just want to say hello, and welcome to our new members, and howdy do to the ones whom were already here. Hope everyone is finding help here! As always, anyone is free to add me, or PM me if you have any comments, concerns, b*tches, complaints, ect. Or if you have a private topic you want posted confidentially. I will be more than happy to post it for you with your question if you would rather not do it yourself. Other than that, I am glad that so many people have found a peace of mind here, knowing that there are others like them. I know a lot of people's families don't understand their problems, mostly being ignorant to the many anxiety disorders out there, but I guarantee you, you will find friends here, and they are legitimate mental health problems. In other words, YOU ARE NOT CRAZY! YOU HAVE AN ILLNESS, AND THAT IS OKAY! I am not the best christian, and I know that some people don't believe in god, but I wanted to share an old saying. If we were all perfect, we would all be in heaven. A lot of the same could be said about life itself. I am going to shut up now. I am sure I shared that before, but I am known to repeat myself. I am not perfect either lol. Everyone have a great weekend!!!