I WANT to be FAT!!!

The worst part about joining this site was entering my starting weight and calculating my BMI. I was horrified to discover I wasn't just fat, I was Obese.

Obese. What a horrible word to be labelled with. But there I was.

And, even worse, I wasn't just, like, borderline obese. The little marker that pinpointed my BMI was way over the threshold of obesity. I would have to lose close to 20 pounds to get out of the obese category.

Twenty pounds? How in the world will I ever be able lose TWENTY pounds?

And it occurred to me that even if I did manage somehow to lose twenty pounds, I'd still be FAT. In fact, I'd be borderline obese.

But that's better than obese.

So, that's my short-term goal. I have to get out of the obese category.

I want to be fat!


  • michellelhartwig
    michellelhartwig Posts: 498 Member
    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    I am SO with you on that statement, Mikey! Actually, I'd like to move from morbidly obese to just obese...
  • mikey3925
    mikey3925 Posts: 35
    thanks for the response!

    it's crazy, i tell ya! but we're heading in the right direction. the labels are disgusting, but i have to admit being labelled Obese actually made me do something about it. i salute your loss of 16 lbs, by the way. very cool. keep it up!

    personally, i think that whole BMI thing is sort of unrealistic. i'm not at all sure i accept the weight it says i should be. seems way lower than i would expect for someone my height.

    obviously, closer i get to whatever they say my ideal weight is, the better. but i'm skeptical of their actual number.
  • mikey3925
    mikey3925 Posts: 35
    I'm getting closer and closer. Just three more pounds and I'll be fat! Not phat, mind you. Fat.

    But I can deal with fat. I just couldn't deal with Obese any longer.

    No doubt I'll be fat for a long time. It'll be quite a while before I can change that personal adjective. But right about now I'm just focused on getting nice and fat.

    And tonight is Pork Chop Night. Nothing better than a nice fried pork chop with mashed potatoes and pan gravy if you really want to be fat!

    mmmmmmm.......pork chop gravy!!!