New to Group!

Hi, all! I'm new to mfp and also to dieting in general. I am just finishing my first year as a teacher, and I've sadly gained ten pounds. In college, I was very active, and since I've started teaching, I've been more busy and haven't had time to work out as much.

I am 5'7" and weigh 150 pounds. A lot of my weight is in my stomach, and so what I really need to work on is just "tightening up". Besides quitting drinking on the weekends, does anyone have any advice on foods i should add to my diet? I keep it pretty healthy during the week and tend to slack during the weekends. Any advice would be amazing!


  • Jayne19099
    Jayne19099 Posts: 149 Member
    Hey! I know what you mean!! I am in grad school now and am slooowly watching the pounds creep on! I've always been around 170 and am now at 178. eeekk!!! I'm working at home so it's so much harder to be active without simple things like the walk to school.

    I've watched this really cool show on youtube called secret eating. It's from the UK I think. I love it because it shows all the places where we sneak extra calories without even thinking about it., plus it's interesting lol.

    gl! Add me if you like, I'm looking for diet buddies!