Honesty about scale changes question

I weigh on the scale once a week and I have gotten in the habit of not recording on MFP what I think of as "temporary upticks." I just leave my weight here and the amount lost at whatever the lowest I have reached. I'm not deluding myself, though I am deluding all of you. I just think of it as discouraging to record the ups alongside the downs, since they seem like a natural part of this process.. Is there any "good reason" I should rethink this approach? How do other people deal with it?


  • blackburn23
    blackburn23 Posts: 385 Member
    I think it is okay the way you are doing it as long as you are "keeping it real" for yourself. You have lost 26 pounds so far! So it seems to me that the way you are keeping track hasn't interfered with your success. Keep up the great work!
  • sweetbippy
    sweetbippy Posts: 189 Member
    I do the same thing. I can gain 3-5 lbs. a day, if I eat a salt heavy meal, or go out to eat. It comes off, but why put it in? It's temporary. Whatever works for you is best. Thanks for your honest post.
  • MiniMexxxxx
    MiniMexxxxx Posts: 43 Member
    I am an obsessive weigher and weigh myself every day - it keeps me motivated :tongue: and I don't record me weight if it has gone up. I add it when it has gone down and stayed down a couple of days. Far more encouraging to see the cgart going down than up. Good Luck!