Monday and Starting out right!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey! I was reading in a magazine that research shows lonliness increases the risk of obesity. Oh how I know that cycle. You feel embarassed so you don't go out, that depresses you more you eat then you feel bad don't go out...shall I keep going???
So, get out there people! Take a exercise class...ask a friend (remember from a previous challenge?!) to go with you on a run, or go to the gym. Being social is not always talking with others but being in the presence of other human beings! Staying in the house detroys our psyche. Getting out means movement which means burning energy which we all want!
I am taking a spin class. I don't any of them from Adam! However, just being there pushes me to move and challenge myself.

Think on it!



  • DebRives
    DebRives Posts: 221 Member
    Great challenge! I work customer service so I always complain I don't want to be around people after 10 plus hours of dealing with various problems. Talking with people on the phone and sending emails is not the same as being with people.
  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    I can totally relate to this!! This coming July will be 3 years since I became a stay at home mom and although I do love it and am so thankful to be able to stay at home with my daughter I also find myself so down & depressed at times just because I miss having a reason to get dressed up and go somewhere, I miss that routine. And the more I feel that way, the harder it is for me to make myself go anywhere. I am taking Zumba classes 3 evenings a week now every chance I get and I have one to go to this evening. It does help!!
  • shaybell34
    shaybell34 Posts: 50 Member
    Im pushing myself harder to be more active so ive been thinkingabout signing up for water aerobics...but for the time being my daughter inspires me to do tae bo with her an shes only 9yrs old...