anyone wanna go to wichita for a walk?

scissotron Posts: 9
edited December 2024 in Social Groups
my daughter has hydrocephalus. here are a few facts :
About 40,000 shunt-related operations are performed every year in the US for hydrocephalus—that averages out to one every 13 minutes and over 100 every day.
Shunt operations for hydrocephalus cost over $1 billion a year in the US.
50% of shunted individuals require a revising operation within two years
Mere hours can mean the difference between a resolvable complication and brain damage or even death, especially in children
There has been minimal advancement in the shunt technology since 1952.
Hydro is the number one cause of brain surgery in infants.

anyways, there is a walk in wichita on august 25th that i would like to join. i want to start a team, but i need, well, teammates. :) there are no registering fees to walk, i just want to try and raise money through donations, from you or people you know. even if you cant donate, its a good way to get out there and get some exercise in. my daughter and i would so greatly appreciate any new members to our team to help fight this!!


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