Vegan's Daily Companion

daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
I just received Colleen Patrick-Goudreau's latest book, Vegan's Daily Companion, as a gift - and I honestly have to recommend it to everyone in this group. I've been a vegan for a little over two years now, vegetarian for eight, but there is always so much to learn!

I'd have to describe the book like a giant magazine - there are different topics including recipes, compassionate communication and heartwarming stories of animals at various sanctuaries around the country. The variety of topics is incredibly interesting, and the photographs are absolutely stunning! I find myself reading the book cover to cover over and over again!

What are some of your favorite vegan reads?


  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Sounds awesome! I subscribe to her newsletter. I really need some more vegan books! Most of my resources are online- sooooo many good blogs/sites out there! :) I'm definitely going to check this out though! Thx!
  • MrsODriscoll
    MrsODriscoll Posts: 127 Member
    I don't have this but I do have her other book The Vegan Table and love it. Did some book shopping last week and got Wild Vegan and Vegan Holiday Kitchen which both look yummy too :-)
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I don't have this but I do have her other book The Vegan Table and love it. Did some book shopping last week and got Wild Vegan and Vegan Holiday Kitchen which both look yummy too :-)

    Ooooooo...I bought Vegan Holiday Kitchen too. Plus I'm loving Low-Cal Comfort Vegan.
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    She is amazing - I have all of her books aside from Vegan's Daily Companion and 30 Day Vegan Challenge - but I will have to rectify that! Her podcasts were the catalyst for my transition from vegetarian to vegan - and I became a paid subscriber of her site because I am so grateful for her work. I'd have to encourage everyone to listen to and read what she has to say.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 549 Member
    Just started listening to her podcast and really enjoy it so far.
  • Kymmy81
    Kymmy81 Posts: 168 Member
    Oops, just realised I didn't really answer the OP's question - apart from Colleen Patrick-Goudreau I also really love Veganomicon, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World (the peanut buttercream is out. of. this. world) and Happy Herbivore. So many amazing recipes to choose from!
  • simplyeater
    simplyeater Posts: 270 Member
    I have it and love it! I also have her 30 Day Vegan Challenge Book, which is great for new vegans or those thinking about becoming vegan. BTW her podcasts are amazing and because of them I moved from vegetarian to vegan (actually within 5 minutes of listening to just one episode).

    I am also reading Main Street Vegan by Victoria Moran, a wealth of useful info there and a good book to loan to family members who may not understand your choice. China Study is sitting next to my bed but I haven't begin reading that one yet. I've got a whole lot of vegan cookbooks on my wishlist, for now I'm just reading a LOT of vegan cooking/lifestyle blogs:)
  • livelongmama
    livelongmama Posts: 26 Member
    Oops, just realised I didn't really answer the OP's question - apart from Colleen Patrick-Goudreau I also really love Veganomicon, Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World (the peanut buttercream is out. of. this. world) and Happy Herbivore. So many amazing recipes to choose from!

    Vegan Cupcakes Take Over The World is AMAZING. I know that this site is more about healthy eating, but for those birthdays and times that you want to indulge, this book hits the spot. I have tried many recipes and they are all excellent. I serve these cupcakes at children's birthday parties and the kids love them. I have served them to many omnivores who eat regular baked goods with actual buttercream frosting, etc. and I have been told that these cupcakes are the best they have ever had.

    Now on to vegan cookbooks. The Tofu Cookery has some great recipes, (the stuffed shells and enchiladas are 2 of my favorites). The Moosewood Cookbook has some great vegan recipes and others that are easily adapted to be vegan. I also like to take recipes from regular cookbooks (or know that favorite recipe from childhood?) and adapt them to be vegan (I have been doing this for 23 years). Vegetarian Times has some vegan recipes and others that are easily converted to vegan and you can access them through their website.

    In terms of just reading about reasons to become vegan, along with some recipes, my pick would be May All Be Fed: Diet for a New World by John Robbins. Thanks for all of the other great suggestions!