Just wanted to say hi and maybe get some feed back

Hello everyone.

Ok well my journey started last year Feb 2011 at 262lbs and i got down to 222lbs in time for my cousins wedding in Feb 2012.with no calorie counting just P90X and eating right no fast food just home cooked meals. i figured i would take alil break which lasted longer then i thought it would 6 weeks... but yet I still managed to lose 4 lbs without working out. And i figured if i was able to do that i should be able to lose the remaining weight and get to my goal. now i dont know what my weight goal should be. but i know what i want to look like... Think Fight Club....lol

So in April i decided to dedicate myself and lose the remaining weight. I started at 218lbs. a friend of mine told me about MFP and i been logging in everyday. now i been reading alot of posts about calorie eating back and kind of have my head spinning. I have my setting set to 1550 calories 155g of carbs 155g or protein and 40g of fat. I am not hungry at all and im not sure if i should be eating back the calories. especially if i am not hungry.

The last time i weighed myself i was 212lbs i havent stepped on a scale in few weeks. i know i lost more weight/inches because i am another belt notch in. This week i will weigh myself to see what the scale actually says.


  • champcpa
    champcpa Posts: 12
    Congrats on your success Mike! 50lbs holy cow!
  • Justin_Simmons
    Justin_Simmons Posts: 25 Member
    Great job. How are things going?
  • Marie047
    Marie047 Posts: 240 Member
    My personal advice is if you arent hungry dont eat them back.

    Hunger is a way your body tells you that is wants something. I am on 1200cals a day and I very rarely eat back my calories. Other people on here tell you that you must eat them back. Just listen to what your body wants.
  • Mike478
    Mike478 Posts: 3
    Things are going well ty for asking...

    i weighed myself on may 26th and i am down to 208 lbs.

    And ty for the feed back on eating back the calories. i think listening to your body is the best thing to do.
  • dincoka
    dincoka Posts: 10 Member
    GREAT JOB!!! Depending on your body fat % and the exercise regimen will determine if you need to add caloried. Remember you need fuel to burn fat :)

    I was eating 1200 - 1400 calories working out 6 days a week adn not losing a dang thing!!!!!!! Then I changed my ratios to 50% protein, 30% carbs, 20% fat (for 6 weeks) followed by 40% Protein and CArbs and 20% Fat (for 1 week) and I cycle these ratios!!!!!!!! For the SAFTY of my KIDNEYS!!!!!!!!!! and increased my calories to 1800 since I was doing Power 90 with Tony and now Chalean Extream and I have lost 15 - 20 pounds, 2 % body fat and 20+ inches!

    Keep up the great work!