Do you eat your kid's leftover food?

MariaLivingFit Posts: 224 Member
Just wondering how others cope when their kids leave something really yummy on their plate after a meal.... do you eat some or toss it? I just threw away my daughter's cinnamon raisin toast with butter so I wouldn't eat it! But, I really wanted some ;-)


  • JazzMaTazz21
    im soooo guilty of this. I have a picky two year old and he never finishes his food... so i do lol

    what helps me not to eat it is if i already ate, but that never happens. Im the last one in the house to eat.
  • enyo123
    enyo123 Posts: 172 Member
    Absolutely not. Yuck. Fortunately, he doesn't actually give me the option. He's currently signaling that he's done with his food by dumping the plate on the floor for the puppies. :-P

    Good thing we have dogs, or my floors would be a disaster.
  • Norsegodess
    Norsegodess Posts: 30
    I used to but not no more I actually put it straight in the bin or put washing up liquid over it so I cant eat it
  • pheonix5
    pheonix5 Posts: 4 Member
    OMG I hate it when I do that! It's such a terrible habit both ways you look at it. It's terrible to waste food but it's also not good for you in the long run!
  • curvymomo3
    curvymomo3 Posts: 253 Member
    I like the idea of putting dishwashing soap on it so you can't eat it .. clever! I have been guilty of this a time or two.. but I tell myself " I AM NOT A GARBAGE DISPOSAL!!!" and toss it away! :D now I just dont serve a lot on their plates sometimes even half a normal portion and they can always get more if they are still hungry :D
  • mmarcy7
    mmarcy7 Posts: 227 Member
    I used to and sometimes am very tempted, but I now control myself. It especially sucks as restaurants, when you feel like you are wasting money on good food. It can be very frustrating when they leave half a nice big cinnamon roll. I just ask if they will eat it later and wrap it up and put it out of sight to save it, or I throw it right away.
  • macx2mommy
    macx2mommy Posts: 170 Member
    I do smaller portions for the kids, and mine are rather messy and lick the stuff they like off, so I won't eat it.
  • JeanieQueen
    JeanieQueen Posts: 21 Member
    Just wondering how others cope when their kids leave something really yummy on their plate after a meal.... do you eat some or toss it? I just threw away my daughter's cinnamon raisin toast with butter so I wouldn't eat it! But, I really wanted some ;-)

    Recently, I have them throw it away, immediately. It's hard to see the "wasted" food going in the trash, but it's healthier for me if I don't eat it. I try to look at it, now, as a good thing. My kids know when they're full, the recognize it and don't stuff themselves. That's a good quality I want them to keep.

    Anyway, it's tough, but I try to push through it.
  • LoFoSho100
    LoFoSho100 Posts: 66 Member
    So guilty of this! It is hard to see food wasted... especially when it is something you really like! If you have a picky eater, this happens frequently! I started saving food for my son for lunch the following day (if there's enough) and if there's not, I have to take it straight to the trash or the sink. I also started providing smaller portions for my little guy that are closer to the amount I expect him to eat- that reduces the amount of leftovers (and temptation) by a lot!
  • isis2triple0
    isis2triple0 Posts: 106 Member
    No I give mine smaller portions and if she wants a bit more then I give a bit more too her ,problem solved don't feel up the plate start out with a smaller portion.
  • pinkglitz
    pinkglitz Posts: 28
    I used to be terrible for this. I have to consciously stop myself doing it now and throw things straight away. It is hard though.
  • Melonheads
    Melonheads Posts: 11
    haha yes I do this too sometimes! Sounds so much more embarrasing when someone says this bad habit aloud :) But instead of eating the leftovers, I try to pack them up and save them for his next meal. I hate throwing away food, it really kills me, so I will re-pack leftovers 2 or 3 times before I throw them away. Or at least feed them to the dog, so I can feel like someone is getting the food.
  • kini324
    kini324 Posts: 239 Member
    Unfortunately, I do. I wish I didn't...sometimes I win the battle and not eat it, sometimes I don't. I just keep trying to avoid it.
  • sabusby
    sabusby Posts: 78 Member
    I do not, however, i have a few ideas of what you COULD do:

    Take a bite BEFORE giving it to them if you REALLY want some. Then when they're done, you can tell yourself you've 'already had some.'
    Throw it away.
    Make dad eat it. ;)

    Usually the last one happens regardless.

    If you feel like you're wasting food, you're(the restaurant, whoever) giving them too much. When you look at the small portion you gave them, remember that, over time, our idea of what an 'appropriate' portion size is has become inflated. This is clear when you see what the restaurant gives out. Also, keep in mind that you don't want to be telling your kids to 'clean the plate,' particularly when you're providing them with huge portions. It messed me up, I know! And i did see another poster talk about 'food going to waste'--who probably was told the same things as I was when they were young.
  • ASDavis72
    ASDavis72 Posts: 77 Member
    Too funny you mentioned this; I use to until my mother started counting the calories for me. Depending on how much is left I will either throw it away, put it in the oven so they can snack on it later or I just refrigerate it for lunch the next day. I was really surprised by the amount of calories you can put on by snacking off your little ones plate.
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I am so glad I am not the only one.. I was feeding my son pumpkin peach "pie" with graham graham cracker and I totally started to feed him something else so I could finish the last of it. Gah!
  • centralvicgirl
    centralvicgirl Posts: 21 Member
    No, it's the opposite for me. He eats his dinner, then I eat mine and he wants some of it.
  • lindsey2423
    lindsey2423 Posts: 18 Member
    kinda depends on what i've served them. i have a horrible time with any fastfood. mcnuggets! mmmm
    and school snacks, like granola bars, or cheese and crackers.
    without kids, i wouldn't have that stuff in the house. and sometimes, my day doesn't lend itself for homemade, natural, everything.

    any tips on avoiding it?
  • lindsey2423
    lindsey2423 Posts: 18 Member
    dish soap... good idea.
  • BlairCottier
    BlairCottier Posts: 171 Member
    I am so guilty of this myself!! I am so glad I saw this post, this gives me some idea of how to not do it, lol. I will definitely start giving smaller portions. Another hard thing for me is when I make large meals for the whole family and there are always left overs sitting on the stove. I am trying to work on portion control, so I don't put as much on my plate which is a good thing, but then I feel like I cancel it all out when I go to put my plate in the sink and nibble on the leftovers in the pan that are sitting on the stove!! Fortunately I have recognized this bad habit, and have started to clean everything up before I sit down to eat, so everything is already in the fridge when we are done. If anyone else wants more, they will have to get it themselves or have daddy get it for them!