Plateau madness

beckyme21 Posts: 29 Member

I am beginning to loose my mind! After loosing 2 pounds pretty much per week from feb until may I was really happy and motivated! 33 pounds down with only around 17 more to go until gw.

BUT for the last 2.5 weeks my weight has been lingering at 185-182 and won't move!

I am eating 1000-1200 per day and hitting the gym for 60 mins per day so the resistance is really knocking my motivation. The strange thing is more people have commented on my weight loss this week than at any other time and I haven't bloody lost any!!

Advice please!!! Only have 5 weeks to holiday and am so desperate to get to 175 :-(


  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    I know how you feel. Today is day 135(so my profile tells me) and the first 35 days I dropped 19 lbs. I was SO excited. Then for the next two months I was stuck between 19-22 lbs and kept bobbing in between. I went out and bought myself a stationary bike that I can ride in my free time. I'm uber busy with a 17 month old but I try to at LEAST do 2 miles a 20 min set once a week. Cause you can't burn without cardio.
    I also started taking vitamins. A multi, coral calcium, vit E, vit c, and cinnimaon every day with an additional zinc every three days. Every once in a while(when I remember) I also take acai pills from natures bounty which you can get for cheap at Dillons or Kroger. Since then I've dropped a pound or MORE a week and have currently dropped 28 lbs.

    Also one big mistake dieters make is not drinking enough water. You need that to wash the "crap" out of your body. Drinks LOTS of water(sounds gross but if you pee has any yellow drink MORE) and if you're sweating a lot have 1 propel a day. And also not only keep under your daily calorie goal but make sure you eat a least 1200 calories a day or you'll put yourself in starvation mode and store everything you eat, which will make you gain.

    So long story short, keep under your calorie goal(and OVER1200 a day), take vitamins, get your heart pumping for a LEAST 20mins at least once a week(twice is better), and pump the water volume. I hope this helps! Good luck!
  • daniii6
    daniii6 Posts: 23
    You should definitely be eating more! If you are working out for that long and only eating 1000-1200 you are probably under your BMR. Try eating back the calories you burn and aim for NET calories closer to 1400-1500.