does this seem right?

jmcarter13 Posts: 5 Member
My son is 6.5 months. He breastfeeds 4 times a day, emptying both sides, and gets rice cereal mixed with breastmilk 3 times during the day. I also pump twice a day to keep my supply up while he starts eating solids. I am 5'4" and weigh 173 now. My overall goal is to get to 130-135 lbs. I only gained about 10 lbs total while pregnant, but my son was born 6 weeks early and weighed 5 lbs 12 oz at birth. I am trying to not only lost pregnancy weight but just get healthier. My question is this, I have added 500 calories to my recommended caloric intake per MFP, making my total 2030. Does that seem right? Or should I decrease it? I was using 1800 as my intake, but after reading some of these posts am wondering if bumping up my calories will help the weight come off. I also exercise daily, even if it's just walking 2 miles with the stroller. I always try to eat those calories back but I tend to get to the end of the night and realize that I still have a couple hundred calories left over. I just don't know what to do. Thanks!


  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    I have your same problem I always have tons of left over calories. I have been told some women jut hang on to an extra 10-15 lbs while breastfeeding. I wish I could be more helpful but your not alone.