Day 19 of my "healthy eating diet"

Since I can't weigh myself on a "regular" scale yet due to my weight, I have to weigh myself on a friends scale. This friend owns a scrap yard and has a scale that can weigh large amounts, and is state certified. I weighed myself the day I changed my diet and weighed in at an unhealthy 398lbs. I had the chance 10 days later to weigh myself and to my surprise, I had lost a total of 0 lbs.! I didn't let that stop me, I pushed on and continued my new "diet". Today (Tuesday May 22nd) I got the chance to check my weight again. I was wearing blue jeans and a t-shirt as I did the last weigh in, and wow! I lost 11 lbs.! I eat when I want to, usually several times a day! I have just committed myself to count calories using the MFP android app. I hope the next 139lbs. are this easy! I know with the help and encouragement of my family and friends (especially MFP friends) my journey will be an awesome one!


  • karielg
    karielg Posts: 10
    It's so discouraging when you stay on your diet and don't lose any weight. I'm there right now. But I know it will happen soon! :) that's awesome that you have lost 11 pounds!
  • lifechange12
    lifechange12 Posts: 91 Member
    Great Job! Keep up the great work!