
skump425 Posts: 166 Member
Hello All,

This will be for introductions and short description of the plan.
We will officially start this challenge on June 1st, and it will also be our first weigh-in. Each week, I will start a new thread for weigh ins so we can keep track of how we are doing!

On the side, I am setting a goal for myself to workout for atleast 30 minutes atleast 4 times a week. Because of this, I will also be posting the workouts and times along with my weigh-ins for the week. Anyone is welcome to join in that, or have their own goal they are specifically targeting.

BTW: My name is Stacy, and I have been on MFP for about 8 months. I lost almost 15 lbs since the start, but started gaining again back at the end of March. Really need to kick myself back in gear and get working out a part of my regular routine again. My overall goal is to be down to 114lbs by August 2. I am 5'4''


  • kjones3535
    kjones3535 Posts: 139
    My name is Katie. I am a little over 5'9" and 30 years old. I currently weight about 168 lbs and my final goal weight is somewhere between 150-155 depending on how I feel when I get there. I started my weightloss journey last fall and dropped 20 lbs in 4 months, since then I have gained a few back and have not been as focused.

    Side note I have been in physical therapy for hip pain that has been going on for 13 months so I was not able to exercise at all for the winter and spring due to pain and dr. orders. I am now cleared for all activity and ready to drop 5 in June!
  • Hey! Glad to be part of another challenge! i'M Emilyjoy and i'm 20 years old. I've been using MFP since Jan 2012 and I love it! I have been up and down with my weight loss but I think i'm on track now.

    My goal is to loose the 5lbs plus by the end of June and to drop a pants size as well. I'm working on mostly my lower half so i'll probably be talking about that area most of the time ;)

    I will be starting the brazil butt lift In june and hope to see awesome results!

    Here's the stats:
    Height- 5'3"
    Weight- 130
    Age- 20
    Goal- Slim thighs and round butt

    I'm here for support as well as to support others. I think challenges push me harder and make me want to do more. Can't wait to start!

    TTYL !
  • AbelStar
    AbelStar Posts: 1 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Im Abe and I just joined MFP yesterday and trying to link up with some positive people in here cus truth is...there are not that many people in our personal lives that can keep up or fully comprehend what this lifestyles is all about. I started working out over 10 years ago and have always looked forward to the challenges of physical fitness so this journey sounds like a plan for me. My goal is to loose about 5 lbs and drop under 10% bf and tighten up for the summer. I enjoy being competitive because that's what helps me develop myself into new growth. I am a 30 yr old with 172lbs @ 5'9. It's nice to meet you all and ready to get this started!!
  • SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel
    SlinkyPinkyBunsOfSteel Posts: 661 Member
    HW: 191
    SW: 183
    CW: 142.2
    GW: 129
    Height: 5ft 2
    Hi, I'm Slinky. I joined MFP in August 2011 and have lost 40.8lbs through MFP (48.2lbs total). I've been stuck between 141 and 143 for the past few weeks and really want to get rid of my last 13lbs by my birthday on 24th July. :)