Newly diagnosis of Insulin-Resistant Syndrome

bernibac Posts: 2 Member
I am new to MFP and to this forum. I have had PCOS for years. Today after having some blood work drawn I have been diagnosed with Insulin-Resistant Syndrome. I know PCOS and this syndrome go hand and hand. I am basically trying to get as much info as possible and trying to get a grasp of this before I end up with diabetes. I know I am suppose to be on a low carb and high protein diet but trying to figure out the how much so I can begin calculating my daily food intake. I also was started on 500mg of Metformin with a goal of 2000mg. Any info would be appreciated.

Thank you


  • TXBelle1174
    TXBelle1174 Posts: 615 Member
    I have PCOS with IR. My Endo put me on a low carb diet with a daily allowance of 50 net carbs (carbs minus fiber). I think my goals are set at 15% carbs, 20% Protein, and 65% Fat. This is based on a 1600 calorie diet so I get like 60 carbs (I eat a lot of fiber so I am usually under my 50 anyway), 80 protein, and 120 fat. I found that when I ate too much protein, I didnt lose weight and I also read that too much protein ends up getting converted to glucose which is just as bad as sugar. I included a link to a website that has a lot of good info. This board has been very helpful and I have had good results with weight loss so far on the low carb diet. A lot of PCOS-ers do well on Atkins. My plan is not as strict but seems to be working for me. I also take 1500mg of Metformin and I can say that it definitely keeps the carb/sugar cravings away. Be sure to take it with food! It made me feel nauseous and have pretty bad heartburn the first couple of weeks but I worked through it and now I do not have stomach upsets as long as I take it with food. I take one 500mg pill with each meal. Good luck!!! Its easy to get frustrated with all the info and mis-info out there but once you find what works for you, you should feel much better. If you would like to "friend" me, feel free. Welcome to MFP!!!