Thursday Challenge!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Hey! Why not buy some equipment to help make exercise interesting? It does not have to be expensive...a lot of dollar stores have jump ropes, hoola hoops and wt lifting gloves. Yard sales are good for other stuff too: steps, dumb-bells, work bench, sit-up apparatus, you name it. You can get a physical therapy ball for about $20 and tubing is inexpensive too. Look around and see what you can get that makes exercise more interesting and something you can travel with!




  • Sherry1979
    Sherry1979 Posts: 457
    Hmmm good idea....I'll have to think on this one and decide what new equipment I want and will actually use. I love buying exercise equipment to have at home but then I'm bad to stick it in the corner and not use it. Maybe a physical therapy ball...I like those pretty well. I have absolutely no coordination but the owner of the gym I used to go to talked me into using one there once and it wasn't as bad as I expected lol. Lately I have been buying Zumba stuff from ebay, not "equipment" so much, but headbands, bracelets, even a Zumba keychain and since I love Zumba so much it motivates me even more when I have all this maybe something like this would work for me too....idk, now you've got me thinking about all the different things I can buy and I'll drive myself crazy till I go :laugh: I'll try my best to remember to check back in and let you know what I decided on after I do shop!
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Zumba equipment is cool. the ladies here like the shimmy shimmy tie around the waist thingy.
  • Faerille326
    Faerille326 Posts: 39
    I just bought a bunch of new Zumba gear. A bracelet with bells so I jingle when I shake, along with some cute new clothes. The belly dance skirt thing is next. :)