Used Coeliac as an excuse.

Flab2fitfi Posts: 1,349 Member
The last few years my coeliac has got worse and I been quite ill. I have become so sensitive that even food that is safe but made in the same factory can make me ill. I have never in the last 20 years eaten anything that i know has gluten in and only eat stuff that should be clear - although if it said gluten free but made in factory handling gluten I have indulged. Also it has been a bit of a viscous circle - I'm tired so I eat crap which makes me ill and then I get even more tired and eat more crap. One thing I get after my stomach has settled is that I am starving hungry and eat everything in sight. But I've been using this as an excuse even when I'm not ill - and the weight has been pouring on.

When noticing my weight gain I've always used the excuse well I have coeliacs and that the side effects means I CANT loose weight. I know some of this caused by the depression - another lovely side effect but mainly because want an excuse to not to loose weight. Also I cant eat most brands of crisps now and when I did found one that was fine I would pig out on massive bags.

I think the shock of seeing my scales and the fact that we had been so strict has put me in a place that i know my coeliacs is not an excuse and to do something about it. I even found that when I had something that was labelled as something safe and wasn't that I had one day where I ate more and then the next day got straight back on the wagon.


  • Bola17
    Bola17 Posts: 120 Member
    I have seen different articles about celiac/gluten and overweight. It seems that some people (with untreated celiac disease) loose a lot of weight while others gain because they feel hungry all the time because of not absorbing the proper nutrients. I lost a lot of weight right before my diagnosis and then gained it (+++) when I started eating/absorbing nutrients again. Seems like I got too many bad habits when I could eat everything (and it just ran right through :) Also it has taken years to figure out how much I can eat of the same foods. I don´t always feel full on GF food and find that my blood sugar yoyo´s on lots of GF food, so I have to eat alot of small meals, vegtables and probably eat too much fruit (I love fruit - almost as much as chocolate!!)

    So I hear you - time to stop using Celiac as an excuse :)