Can we do a June challenge?



  • hmgrady92
    hmgrady92 Posts: 2 Member
    Hello Brides!

    I am SOO up for a June Challenge! My girlfriend and I are actually doing a weight-loss challenge with my fiance and her husband also (gals against guys), so this would be great!

    I have an appointment to try on dresses on June 16th, so I definitely need to get moving! I've been rather lax lately with the eating and exercising and I really haven't seen much results.

    My goals:

    -Workout at lunch 5 times a week for at least 30 minutes
    -Start the Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred
    -Plan ALL of my meals ahead of time (and no more buying lunches - bring it from home!)

  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    Welcome in, hmgrady! I especially like your challenge to plan all meals. I think it makes a big difference.
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    All right, starting point:

    Starting weight: 129.5
    Measurements: I don't know for sure (no tape measure at home), but the last time I measured at my parents' house I believe I was 35-28-37?

    Good stuff: I ran for 15 minutes this morning on the treadmill in my boss's office at 6.0. I broke a sweat, but finished it comfortably. I'll do another 10 minutes at the end of the day before I leave work.

    Stuff to work on: Despite the suggestions here to plan my weekend meals, I am drawing a complete blank. I know what I plan to BAKE (brownies and blueberry muffins!), but that's not helping the goal so much, lol. I would welcome tasty, healthy dinner suggestions!
  • Libby0891
    Libby0891 Posts: 70 Member
    Here's my starting point:
    Weight: 185.5
    Measurements: (Don't know... need to find a measuring tape!)

    The good: I'm planning a healthy meal tonight and I'm running a fun 5K in the morning with friends.

    The bad: I don't think I'm going to be able to squeeze in a workout today, but we'll see... maybe I'll do some arm exercises at least.

    The ugly: I was up a pound when I weighed myself this morning. This was NOT unexpected (I've had a rough week). BUT, I'm excited it's June and I'm looking forward to a saner schedule this month.

    Good luck to everyone!
  • tattooedmaiden
    Starting point: 142
    Measurements: So I looked up how to do this, because I always thought when you measure your bust you do it just beneath the actual bust--like just your ribcage. But apparently not! So at 5'11" I am 39-29-39. I have just a tiny bit of back chub, but my problem areas are my tummy and thighs. I am terrified of my honeymoon bikini!!!!
    Good: Dress fits, slim fast is keeping me on track, exercise has been steady for a few weeks.
    Bad: My fiance is a huge man--not fat at all, lucky jerk--so he is a food enabler.
    Terrible: I have become a total lightweight re:alcohol, and when I hit tipsy I invariably eat and drink enough additional calories to last several days.

    Jessica: This is one of my fav easy, healthy dinners: Cut up skinless chicken breast into chunks and stirfry it in a nonstick pan (no oil needed!), adding in diced veggies. I get a prediced stew pack with carrot, celery, and white onion, then I add green onion and a handful of peanuts. My fella likes his with broccoli and bean sprouts. Now the key is to NOT cook this in stirfry sauce or any other calorie-rich sauce! Put tyour preferred sauce on the side and dip. I actually dip my fork before speaking food--less sauce, same taste!
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    Hmmm...stir fry could be yummy. Thanks for the tip!

    Also, jealous of the perfect hourglass.
  • tattooedmaiden
    Well thank you! ;) I envy your starting weight! It's been years since I've been even in the 130s, let alone the 120s. If I can break below 140 I will be over the moon.
  • go4itjoanna
    go4itjoanna Posts: 69 Member
    wow! so happy that there is lots of activity here! we can do this girls! I am super busy until tuesday so I will be a little MIA until then but as soon as I get this magazine (i am an art director) off to print I will be here and cheering you all on! Can't wait to read all the comments.

    Happy June 1st! Lets do this!
  • tabatha_burris
    Tattoedmaide, planning my meals has been a HUGE help during the week. I think my trouble has been partly that because I lead youth group on Sunday, I eat with the kids, which means pizza or fried chicken most times, and I would often buy lunch on Sunday instead of bring something to church. The other part is that because I've had Saturday in mind as my one day off, I think I go into "celebration mode" and get too lax with my eating. I probably should plan a weekend more carefully and see how that helps!

    Tabatha, I love yoga for abs. I also love/hate the 3-minute ab exercise my fiance taught me (his toned tummy is my inspiration!):
    -30 seconds regular crunches
    -30 seconds side-to-side crunches
    -30 seconds kick-outs (extend your legs so they're about 45 degrees, lower them to a few inches off the floor, bend your knees to curl your legs in toward your chest, and stretch back out to 45 degrees)
    -30 seconds straight leg lifts
    -30 seconds hold your legs out straight about 2-3 inches off the floor
    -30 seconds bicycle

    Oh, and you can't let your feet touch the ground in the whole 3 minutes:ohwell: . It's brutal, but darned if it isn't effective!

    Thanks for this!! I will try it!!! Sounds brutal but anything to make my trouble areas better!
  • tabatha_burris
    All right, starting point:

    Starting weight: 129.5
    Measurements: I don't know for sure (no tape measure at home), but the last time I measured at my parents' house I believe I was 35-28-37?

    Good stuff: I ran for 15 minutes this morning on the treadmill in my boss's office at 6.0. I broke a sweat, but finished it comfortably. I'll do another 10 minutes at the end of the day before I leave work.

    Stuff to work on: Despite the suggestions here to plan my weekend meals, I am drawing a complete blank. I know what I plan to BAKE (brownies and blueberry muffins!), but that's not helping the goal so much, lol. I would welcome tasty, healthy dinner suggestions!
    I make the samething I use to but change the most fatty parts. Such as tacos but with turkey meat not hamburger meat and I dont use any seasoning packets so its turkey meat cheese and whatever kind of sauce just not alot lol and jalapenos I love me some jalapenos but I do this with just about everything. I make my own pizza with turkey pepproni and low fat cheeses. I try to use as much organic foods as I can there are some things you can find that are made out of food and not random things that leaving you goin what? lol! I know this doesnt work for everyone but Im not the one to give up my foods I love food so allowing myself to eat my fav foods but just slightly changing it works really good for me! We really cant taste the diiference!
  • tabatha_burris
    Starting weight: I just got my scale today (my son broke my other one lol)and I am not sure it is right so I am gonna say my starting weight is 129 which was my last weigh in! (the new scale said 127 but I dont feel 127)If this isnt right I will have to update it lol but not sure of my measurements or anything I have been going by weight and pant sizes!

    Good Stuff: I did really good today. Took my kids into town and didnt get any fast food or junk food while we were out! Even took the kids for frozen yogurt and didnt get myself any bc who can get the yogert without all the yummy toppings right lol so I was good!

    Bad stuff: yesterday I ate a bunch of cookies bc my cat ran away!! And then after I finshed them he came home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Stuff to work on: Working out!! I need to be working out no matter how tired I am!! It puts me in a better mood, makes me feel better and makes me feel less tired which in the long run makes me a better mother,fiance and person!!!

    Plan: I am making a board that I saw on pinterest that is going to have all my list in one place! I plan to have a calender to have our plans on, a menu for whats for dinner, a list of what needs to be done around the house, a sheldure for what the kids need to be doing(trying to get them into a routine) and a workout plan so I will have everything wrote out and in picture frames so as I do them I can mark them out and not mess up my list so they will be there for the next day!!! The ocd in me is super excited about this!!!!!!!!!!!!! This will also hold me accoutable for everything as well!
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    Great job resisting temptation, Tabatha! I love the all-in-one-place spreadsheet idea. Let me know when it's up on Pinterest so I can steal it?
  • tattooedmaiden
    Mrah, so glad your kitty came back, Tabatha!!
    Also: Mm turkey tacos...
    Hiking eight miles with my mom today, adding leg weights for some extra burn.
    Work it!
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    Awesome hike! I had a mimosa and wandered around an art festival. I feel good about only eating half of the mountainous bagel and lox. We're doing pizza and game night tonight, so temptations about. I think I'll plan to eat a banana first, drink only water, and limit myself to no more than two slices of pizza, and one if I'm not really hungry.
  • Libby0891
    Libby0891 Posts: 70 Member
    I also really like the idea of having one master spreadsheet on which to organize all life stuff. I just picked up some extra work, so I need to be diligent about staying organized this summer.

    Nice job on the hike, tatooedmaide! Eight miles is hard core! I ran a 5K yesterday and finished in about 28 minutes, which I was pretty happy about (I'm just getting back into running). Unfortunately, I woke up with a fever this morning. Blah. I'm feeling a little better this evening, but I wanted to get so much done today (including a workout). I guess my body had other plans for me!
  • tattooedmaiden
    Jessica: Mimosa and art festival?! Want!! How much fun was that?! What kind of art?
    Wow, Libby--you rock! I've never done a real marathon but always think I'd like to...but then I remember how much I hate running... I hope you are feeling great by now!!
  • jessicawrites
    jessicawrites Posts: 235 Member
    The art festival was the First Sunday festival in downtown Annapolis. Every first Sunday of the month in the nice-weather months they block off a street for painters, photographers, knitters, jewelry-makers, people who make planters or sculpture out of old cutlery or bicycle gears, and so on. It is a lot of fun!

    So Monday update is disappointing: despite doing a quick run on Friday morning and a hot yoga class on Saturday, I am up 1.5 pounds:grumble: . I'm hoping it's a mix of too much sodium yesterday and impending TOM. I indulged in dark chocolate brownies and some really good made-by-a-mom oatmeal choc chip cookies last night, but I also really tried to eat smart this weekend, and thought I had, compared to other recent weekends. Ah well. On the bright side, my first ever Zumba class is tonight, so I will use that to jump start a good week!
  • timeforachange2011
    My june goals: Work out at least 4 days a week and burn at least 600 calories per workout! I would like to lose 8 lb in June!
  • tattooedmaiden
    Don't be down, Jessica! You are probably retaining water from sodium, exercise fatigue, and TOM.
    Did the 30 day shred and yoga meltdown. My hips and thighs are killing me from the hike, plus horseback riding today. I too am facing TOM water weight, but I'm holding at 142--hoping that means I've lost!!
    You girls are awesome! Rock it!
  • Libby0891
    Libby0891 Posts: 70 Member
    I agree with what Tattooedmaide said, Jessica. There are so many factors (especially for women) than cause our weight to fluctuate by a few pounds. Don't get discouraged!

    Side note on the subject of fluctuating weight: I live in an old building built in the 1800s with terribly uneven floors. Depending on what room I put my scale in, I can weigh up to six pounds more or less! I like weighing myself in my office the best, but I typically leave my scale in the bathroom since the floor there is fairly level :)

    I think I said I'd check in on Tuesdays. I'm having a decent week so far. I was sick on Sunday, but thankfully it passed quickly and I'm feeling a lot better. I'm trying to focus on getting enough sleep this week. I made myself go to bed early even though I wasn't tired, but I did fall asleep fairly quickly. I packed gym clothes in my work bag today, so hopefully I can make myself go this evening. I'd like to log some time on the dreaded stair master and do some weight training.