PCOS and Endometriosis

bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
Hi everyone! I’m 27 years old and have PCOS and severe endometriosis. They had to remove one of my ovaries about a year ago, but the doctors said that should have little to no effect on my chances of getting pregnant- if anything will cause me to be infertile it will be the PCOS combined with the endo. I had my IUD removed about a year ago, I’ve been on Metformin for about a year, and my partner and I have been having sex on or around when I should be ovulating, but we haven’t gotten too into the whole TTC process as we’re content with the way our life is now and are happy to let things come naturally. With that said, several doctors have advised me that if I want to get pregnant I have to do it now before more endometriosis develops and/or they have to remove my second ovary due to severe multiple cysts. I’m focusing on losing weight now just to increase my chances of maintaining/extending my fertility. I’d ideally prefer to wait a couple years to have kids and I feel like being at a healthy weight would increase my chances of that. Multiple doctors have told me that losing weight could help, but probably not significantly.
Has anyone had a similar experience and lost weight and their PCOS dramatically improved? Likewise anyone conceived while still having severe PCOS symptoms?
I know everyone’s different and I may be searching for some false hope, but it gives me a little faith if someone can say that the doctors told them the same thing and they turned out to be wrong.