Strangest online dating messages



  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    Here's mine-

    Hey beutuful! Ive got 3 babys - 1 and 2 yr old twns that ned a new mama. I tink ur a gr8t gurl who I tink wood be a god mama. My key is a gr8t 'ship is pasionete sex!

    That was hard with my autocorrect on and I think his spelling was worse. Oh yeah his title of his profile was "bulding a famly".

    Needless to say I didn't respond.

    Clearly you let a keeper slip through your fingers!
  • natvanessa
    natvanessa Posts: 230 Member
    Got a few weird ones lately. I just laugh and DELETE

    -An 18 year old asked if I could help him lose his virginity (I'm 35 btw)

    -A guy asked if we could "do it" while his big black friends watched (his words--WTF??)

    -Some dude wrote up this huge scenario that in his mind we dated, got married, bought a house, got divorced and I can keep the kids. All this in his first email

    -Got a message from a 21 year old yesterday actually that was very demeaning and basically insulted my age. It's so vulgar I will not type it here. Blocked his profile completely after that

    .....probably more but these are all I can think of right now.

    I should add I do get many more actual, nice, messages from men I do like though. So that's the only reason I continue the online dating thing! But it has it's entertainment value LOL:laugh:
  • 2stepz
    2stepz Posts: 814 Member
    At one point I had a comment about no 420 in my profile (found that to be an issue living in Las Vegas.) Had a guy respond that I was close minded and ignorant, and there was no way that I was really 25 (at the time). He proceeded to tell me that even if I WAS 25, I should list my age as 40-45 to match my mentality. He went on and on, cursed and ranted about me being close minded about weed.

    I responded to tell him yes, I (was)25, and not that I have anything against people who smoke pot in general... but I (had) a security clearance to maintain and couldn't be involved with someone who participated in that illegal activity. Kindly keep your assumptions to yourself and shove off. Then I blocked him.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Here's mine-

    Hey beutuful! Ive got 3 babys - 1 and 2 yr old twns that ned a new mama. I tink ur a gr8t gurl who I tink wood be a god mama. My key is a gr8t 'ship is pasionete sex!

    That was hard with my autocorrect on and I think his spelling was worse. Oh yeah his title of his profile was "bulding a famly".

    Needless to say I didn't respond.

    Even if he wrote with perfect grammar, spelling and syntax, what would be your motivation to date a man with 3 kids?

    I know and I can't remember if it was on his profile or in the message but those kids were from 2 different women. Not only was it 3 kids it was 3 kids under 2

    Wow...just wow