January 2013 due dates!



  • mellynat
    mellynat Posts: 345 Member
    In my head I pretend am in the Dec due date group lol considering by LMP im due dec 30th. It makes it easier to know it's one less month. my 2nd was born a week early am hoping her sister follows the lead. but anyway by ultrasound jan 7thj is my due date..
    Starting to go thru the bins and bring out the NB clothes and started stocking up on diapers. Made my list of what I still need to buy. Once that's done ill be ready to go.
    Feeling strangley well these days> . I do have my bad days but overall it seems to be an "easy" pregnancy. I think having 2 other to distract u is helping the time pass by faster...

    so your Dr doesn't use your LMP as your due date? I wish my dr used my u/s due date, Lol. I would be due Jan. 8th by u/s but by LMP I am due the 15th. Either or I know I am not due earlier than the 15th so I will just accept that. Lol. I am sure you will have her in December! Glad you are having a breezy pregnancy. I would rather have a boring and uneventful pregnancy than to be high risk and worry about early labor. :)

    Nope she gave me a choice to which "due date" we will stick with. And I didn't want her to pressure me into getting induced if I stuck w the earlier date if I did go over. SO to be safe from inducement I told her to stick w the jan date..
    Your baby boy can surprise u. it's sucks that the "due dates" are like a guessing game. Wishing and hoping it'd happen a certain day. But in the end they decide when to enter the world.

    This baby is a quiet one. No drama here. she's not giving me too much trouble yet. lol she's a lot calmer then #2 was. hopefully she's continue to be a calm baby when she leaves the womb.
  • mainesm
    mainesm Posts: 107 Member
    My EDD is two months from today 01-28-2013!!!! How are all the January Mommies doing?? I have my first shower on Saturday =) It's getting closer and closer =)
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    Woohooo! 57 more days for me (but who is counting, right?) - very exciting about your shower :) Are you expecting a lot of people? It's great because you'll still have plenty of time to purchase any items you didn't get that you will need! have fun :)
  • mainesm
    mainesm Posts: 107 Member
    I think we are expecting about 40 something!! My step mom is going ALL out! I can't wait to see everything she has done and all my friends and family. My mom is having a smaller one either Dec 30 or Jan 6. Can't wait for that one too. It will be more intimate and with boys. LOL My work is also going to have a little something. My step mom works for the same agency as me so she said that she is going to help get my office together. Something very small but nice.

    57 days!!! Yay! With all the holiday stuff coming up I know our time will fly by! =) I have every weekend booked in December already...

    Woohooo! 57 more days for me (but who is counting, right?) - very exciting about your shower :) Are you expecting a lot of people? It's great because you'll still have plenty of time to purchase any items you didn't get that you will need! have fun :)
  • abitzan
    abitzan Posts: 85 Member
    I am january 28!! : )
  • cocolo89
    cocolo89 Posts: 1,171 Member
    46 more days here! I can't believe its going by so fast. EDD Jan 15. SO about 1.5months away. I really hope he decides to come sooner cause I expect him to be a bigger baby. So nervous. lol