Just joined - Hey

sam4life Posts: 8 Member
Hey all,
Im sam and i really would love to lose 100 lbs by the end of 2012
my current weight is 244 and my goal is 145
please add if you would like to motivate each other could really do with the support.



  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    Hi Sam, and welcome. 100 lbs. in 7 months is a pretty lofty goal, but if you even lose 50 or 60 by the end of the year you'll be well on your way. I haven't seen a lot of activity in this group the past couple of months, but there are a few of us who post our monthly goals at the beginning of each month, and you are welcome to participate. May, of course, is about done, but we'll be starting another one for June in a just a few days. :)
  • sam4life
    sam4life Posts: 8 Member
    thank you and yer its alot to lose so quick but its just a goal to head for any loss would be lovely tho :)
  • w2bab
    w2bab Posts: 353 Member
    Yes, losing 2 lbs/week could put you in cute clothes by the holidays, and at your goal next Spring. Definitely something to set your sights on!

    Here is the link to the May progress thread if you want to look at it. Like I said, we'll be starting a June one later this week. It's not high pressure or anything, but for those of us doing it on our own, it's a place to state our goals and report weekly.