Can't get over 700 calories in

Hello, new to myfitnesspal.

I am having a ridiculous time trying to hit my calorie goal of 1200. I am not hungry, even after a hard workout. I workout everyday at 24 hour fitness, cardio and weights. Then once a day I do a power walk in the sunshine and fresh air. The rest of the day I read, run errands, or something sitting. I do not work so I feel like I am still not moving enough.

I eat mostly veggies, do not cook in any kind of oil. I get my fats from a little avacado and nuts. I eat mostly Talapia, Ono, Tuna, and other white fish. Once a week or once every two weeks I have Salmon.

My calories are nutritionally dense. I am losing a half pound to 1 pound per day but everyone says that this is unhealthy. I feel amazing with energy.

Finally below 200 and getting close to 180's

Should I force the calories down?


  • TheFunBun
    TheFunBun Posts: 793 Member
    Your body definitely gets used to lowered calories, both by reducing hunger pangs and making your metabolism more efficient (especially since you're doing all that endurance work at the gym). I'd definitely add calories until I was losing 1-2 lbs a week only, and then marvel at my incredible increased energy. It wont feel like "forcing" them down after a week. I can promise you, you'll be voraciously hungry once your body remembers to tell you when it is. :)
  • seamonkey789
    seamonkey789 Posts: 233
    I also have the issue of not being hungry after I work out. I developed my own power smoothie recipe for after the gym or at the end of the day if I'm short on calories
  • cidalia73
    cidalia73 Posts: 107 Member
    I developed my own power smoothie recipe for after the gym or at the end of the day if I'm short on calories

    An excellent idea. You can add all sorts of calorie-dense things to a smoothie. Ground flaxseed, banana, avocado, touch of nut butter such as almond or cashew. etc.