
olivia_june Posts: 111 Member
So I'm getting married on August 3, 2013 and I need to lose a total of 70 lbs by December 19, 2012. I got about 10 lbs down in a month (I gave myself 9 months to achieve my goal) but I am having the worst time ever getting my motivation back.....I've been down for about 3 weeks now, not working out at all or even logging calories :/ I'm having issues sleeping and regular life things make me not want to do anything.....sigh. I just hopped on the Wii for the first time in a month, so at least that's a start.

Sorry for the random vent, is anyone else struggling with motivation?

Being skinny needs to be easier LOL.


  • alicialee05
    alicialee05 Posts: 50 Member
    I also have quite a bit going on right now-- Wedding in September, School, buying a house... I try to at least get 1-2 good workouts in a week-- though it's been difficult.

    I would make smaller goals for yourself-- wanting to lose 70 lbs by December is a great goal, but break it up even further-- This week strive to lose 2 lbs. Or even make non-weight related goals-- This week I strive to run for 20 minutes 3 times.

    I've only lost 6 lbs in the last 3 months, my goal was more around 20 lbs so I wasn't even close-- but I'm focusing on the small things and I know the weight loss will follow in time.

    Good luckkkkkkkkkkk!