Height, weight, age and clothes size?



  • RedWeb
    RedWeb Posts: 108 Member
    Height: 6' 2"
    Age: 44
    Start Weight: 18 stone 6
    Current Weight: 15 stone 11
    Target Weight Range: 13 to 13 and a half

    Got a treadmill at the end of January. For about 6 weeks I was on the treadmill about 3 times a week. Didn't really change my eating habits at all. Lost about 4 pounds in 6 weeks. Thought this isn't good enough. Joined MFP, started counting calories and have lost another 33 pounds since !

    Now try to run 5 times a week, split between the treadmill and open roads. Within a year of starting this process I'd like to get down to my comfort range of between 13 and 13 and a half stones. From there I will never be returning to where I started. That was 10 years of doing little exercise and marginal over eating. Over the years it added up. Never again.

  • cheekycherries
    cheekycherries Posts: 20 Member
    Height - 5' 3.5"

    Age - 26 (female)

    Start Weight - 74 kg (163 lbs) 10 March 2012

    Current Weight - 65 kg (143 lbs) 15 June 2012

    Target weight - 60 kg (132 lbs) 31 August 2012

    Clothes - size 12

    Vegetarian for the last 18 months. Been trying a controlled carb, reasonable fats, higher protein diet with some cardio/strength training 3-5 times a week.

    Feel free to add me to your list of friends - mutual motivation always great :)
  • LittleTrish
    LittleTrish Posts: 27 Member
    Im 40yrs old, 4ft 11 and weigh 11st 7lbs. Im just about squeezing into a size 18............not good at all and far from where I should be :(
  • Lauraaaaa88
    I'm 23, 5ft 9in and weigh 190lbs. My goal is to get down to 140lbs.
  • FAYESY84
    FAYESY84 Posts: 15 Member
    I'm 5'6.5 and want to be about 10 stone. I have done really well maintaining around 11 stone, but recently have gone back up, and not had the guts to weigh myself! Think I am about 11st 8lb now. Just joined this site and starting again tomorrow, hopefully you people can make me stick to it this time... you and jillian michaels!
  • extracuddley
    hi, I am 47 years of age... 5ft.6 and weigh a hefty 287 (20 stone and 7lb) a size 22/24 in clothes. Ideally I would like to get down to 13 stone and a size 16. I am loving this site and the app. I started out at 26 and a half stone in 2008.
  • Daz49ers
    Daz49ers Posts: 125 Member

    Im 6'3, current weight 20st/280lbs ( my start weight was 22st/308lbs) m 25 and XXL shirt

    Such a disgrace but i am working to change
  • Bristol33
    Bristol33 Posts: 4
    Im 6'3 age 34, Currently 100kilos and 34inch waist. Used to be 140kilos and 42 inch waist. Goal is 85kilos 32 inch waist.
  • HZ15
    HZ15 Posts: 21 Member
    I'm 32 (far to close to 33) and 5"6.

    CURRENT WEIGHT is 14st 7 - mostly a size 16 now with a few 18s depending on brand. Some roomier 14s are just starting to fit.

    STARTING WEIGHT joining MFP was 16st 12 on 9 April. I would have said I was a size 18/20 earlier in the year but even some of those 20s were starting to get a little tight.

    Had lost a bit of weight before then by walking and cycling a bit more and being a bit careful of what I was eating but only started 'dieting' properly and going to the gym in April.

    Motivation: spend too much time round uber fit people (pro & serious am athletes) and being the wobbly, fat, unfit one is just too embarrassing. Heading back to uni (yes, I'm one of those mature student types) to complete honours in Sept after deferring a year for health reasons - so not being the wobbly, fat, unfit one there either will be good.

    Been setting myself lots of little goals as I go along. Getting under 16st. Done. Getting under 15. Done. Getting to 2st down. Done. And now my immediate goal is to get into ONEderland which should hopefully happen in the next week or so.

    INTERIM GOAL is to get to the top of my healthy range - 11st 0. Would love to get there or thereabouts for when I head back to Uni but realise current weight loss rate may not stick with me that long.

    Have never been skinny so don't know where about on my healthy range my ultimate goal is yet. A size 14 when I was 16, I crept up to an 18 by my early 20s. I think this is the first time I've been under 15st since my teens. Hypothyroidism went untreated until my mid 20s and by that time I'd given up on diets, etc. as being pointless (sticking to the letter of the law with Weightwatchers my weight went up 4lbs in 2 weeks). By the time I was being treated, I'd developed a lot of bad habits and guess I'd kind of resigned myself to being fat. Has taken far too long to get out of that mindset but I'm already much happier now that I've made a start.

    MFP really has made me realise that a food and exercise diary and a bit of motivation is all that you need. It's advice I've nodded to but ignored for too long allowing my excuses to get in my way but losing 33lbs in 10 and a bit weeks has made me eat some humble pie (and I still eat apple pie after Sunday lunch too - just make sure I take the dog out for an hour as well!)

    Loving the gym, loving the pool and can't weight to get a bit fitter still so I can feel more comfortable joining in group things like tennis lessons or some of the scarier classes at the gym.

    TARGET CLOTHES SIZE: a 12 would be nice. I'm all boobs and hips and never really had much of a belly so not sure if a 10 will suit me, but I may try getting there to see what it's like.
  • IronSmasher
    IronSmasher Posts: 3,908 Member
    I seem to be stuck at 190cm, and I don't know, 80 maybe?
  • cat_s85
    cat_s85 Posts: 24 Member
    I'm 26, 5'9 and weight 10 stone 6. I'm a size 10/12.

    I want to get back down to 9 stone 12 which I managed last summer after spending a lot of time at the gym. Doesn't sound like a lot but I feel uncomfortable.

    Some of you lot have done brilliantly, well done :smile:
  • M155AUS
    M155AUS Posts: 52 Member
    I'm 5"9, 13 Stone size 14 and aim to be in the high 10st bracket or low 11st. Mostly I just want to tone up and lose a bit of the wobble, then i'll be happy (oh and i'm 33)
  • xcazax
    xcazax Posts: 43 Member
    I am 26 years old and am 5 "3 and currently weigh 9 stone 10 (im a size 12). I want to get back to being a size 8/10 and to weigh between 8 stone 7 and 8 stone 10 :)
  • ms_cataclysm
    ms_cataclysm Posts: 26 Member
    Hi, I'm 50 and 5'7". I'm currently 17 st 3 lbs and size 22 /38H on top, size 16 below. Before I was ill and put on so much weight , I was a 16 (32G) on top and 12 below and 12 stone which I was happy with . I do want to get back there but need to diet gently,set micro goals and increase my activity level slowly as I'm still recovering .
  • FuneralDiner
    FuneralDiner Posts: 438 Member
    Hi folks.

    I am 23 years old. 5'4", 168lbs and a size 14/16. :)
  • tdcibilly
    tdcibilly Posts: 78
    hi i am 5ft 7 and 18stone 7pounds
    48 inch waist
    traget is 13 stone.
    lost so far before i signed up to this site 1 stone 2 pounds
    i am feeling great
  • LisAllum
    LisAllum Posts: 55
    Hi all. I'm 37, 5ft 3 and weigh in at 162.5lbs at the moment (11st 8.5). I wear a 14 although they're a little snug round my bum and thighs and a 12/14 top. (I'm a typical pear shape).

    My goal is to get back into my size 10 jeans, and in order to do that my goal is set at around 126lbs (9st). I'll be happy if I get anywhere between that and 9st 7 to be honest.

    I can't use the excuse that it's my baby weight, as my kids are 10 and 12 now, and 6 years ago I was 8st 4! It's bad diet and lack of exercise that got me here, and now it's time I fixed that permanently!

    Good luck to everyone on their journeys. Feel free to add me for support, lord knows I need it myself, whether it's for a shoulder or a cheer. We CAN do this! x
  • kirstiesharpe2209
    I'm 5ft6, 171lbs, 21 years old and I don't really know what size, I find clothes shopping too depressing because I don't fit in a 10 anymore! I am DETERMINED
    I used to sit comfortably at around 9.5-10 stone when I was 18ish, then went to University and its all piled on. I have a dress that I bought when I was 18 for my leavers prom but didnt wear, I'm determined to wear it to graduation in december.
  • PJ_73
    PJ_73 Posts: 331 Member
    I am a wee one!

    5ft 2.5
    Currently size 12
    11st 4lbs

    5ft 6 (maybe in my dreams!)
    Size 8
    8st 8lbs

    Over the years have yo-yo'd between 7.5st and 12.5st and it's time to take control!
  • LadyAmy20
    LadyAmy20 Posts: 137
    hello all :)

    I'm 5'5.5" and around 16 stone, which is the biggest I've ever been. I'm 20 - I've always been a bit bigger than other people (though looking back at photos of when I was 15/16 years old I wonder why I thought I was overweight then, I would kill to look like that now!) but going to uni made me put on a lot of weight very quickly. I started uni at a size 14 top and 12 bottom, I've just finished my second year and I'm a size 16 all over. Even 18 for some things that are more fitted around my top half (I also have big boobs, I hate them).

    I am determined to use this summer to give me time to get back into a healthier lifestyle without the added pressure of assignments and living with other students (i.e. going out a lot) making it more difficult to lose weight.

    Feel free to add me if you need support, I try my best to help other people :) Only been here a week or so but already MFP is really helping me!