calorie intake

amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
I am going back and forth on how many calories I should be consuming. When I enter my exercise on MFP (insanity workouts + walk/run/cardio of some sort later in the day), it shows 500ish calories burned (I don't have a HRM so it's probably not as accurate as it could be). With the normal calories MFP says I should take in (1260) plus those 500 its around 1760 which is not at all the 1900 that the insanity booklet tells me to take in. I was wondering what other people are going by, should I try for the 1900 in the book or just eat what I have burned according to MFP. With insanity I want to lose weight and tone up so I dont want to eat to many calroies to where this happens but I also dont want to eat to few to where my body keeps hold of everything I eat. I'm very confused on what to do!


  • amoeni1
    amoeni1 Posts: 87 Member
    I changed my calorie intake to 1900 per day (based on the insanity booklet) and I am not logging my exercise on MFP (expecially since I dont know exact calorie burn during my inanity and other workouts). Hopefully I will be able to lose weight with this, its pretty hard to eat all those calories (I was on weight watchers before switching over to MFP and now adding insanity) so I hope its worth it. Has anyone else tried this? How did this workout, I'm just curious if I will see results eating this much and doing my insanity + extra workouts?
  • finfeet
    finfeet Posts: 15
    I'm curious about this too. I just started insanity today. I have done it off and on for awhile, but i always stopped before the second month. I'm told it's because i "bonked" I didn't have the fuel in my body to finish the workouts. i'm doing the calories that are prescribed for insanity (including eating 5-6 times a day), but i'm doing protein heavy the first month and good carb heavy the second month. by good carbs I mean veggies, fruits, electrolytes, and some whole wheat. Hopefully I can get through it this time. How is 1900 calories going? how often are you eating to get that many calories?
  • harlychic
    harlychic Posts: 58
    Im with you on the calories question Insanity says @1700 Im aiming between 1400-1500 I just finished the first week. I started out eating around 1200 I just changed yesterday to up the calories because I havent lost any weight. I dont want to go thru all of this and not lose weight.
  • I'm supposed to be getting 1750 in, and have stuck around there. I usually end up netting about 1500 at the end of the day, though.

    It's a lot harder to eat all the calories needed a day than I ever thought it would be.