
sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
Welcome! :flowerforyou:


  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Yay! I'm obviously Ashley. Actually just Ashley, not the obviously part. Although it's in.. I also ramble.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    And that is why I love you Ashley!

    I'm (also obviously) Sarah. I have found that the negativity on the forums makes it hard to actually get what you truly need- support, adult discussions, and freedom to say what you need to without worrying about people attacking you. So, here's our alternative! I cherish all of my friends on here and I'm excited to watch this group grow and build up a great place for advice and everything else!
  • whitneysaenz
    whitneysaenz Posts: 125 Member
    I'm Whitney...duh! :glasses:
  • kimdarren
    kimdarren Posts: 76 Member
    Yeah-hey, somewhere for good support & no negativity. I know people have bad days & down days but that's when you need positive support & motivation, not someone to kick you when you're down. I'm looking forward to chats & getting to know everybody. :) x
  • FitMama2013
    FitMama2013 Posts: 919 Member
    I'm Emily :) 27, married, live in Knoxville TN, have a german shepherd puppy, and am currently pregnant! I could definitely use a dose of positivity, so I'm glad you formed this group Sarah!!!
  • tebbs915
    tebbs915 Posts: 133 Member
    hey all! :flowerforyou:

    I'm Julie! I'm 25, engaged (for another 50 days! woohoo! :bigsmile:), and live in Colorado Springs, CO! I have two rambunctious 3 year old pups: Juno (border collie/lab mix) and Moses (beagle mix of sorts).

    I love life, but lately have been lacking the motivation to work out. I try to eat "healthy" and "clean"... but let's face it, motivation (again) is not on my side. So, please feel free to yell at me when needed! In the past, when I've been serious about working out, I was doing C25K training (hurt ankle half way through = 6 week rehab); P90X (lost interest), and a boot camp class (need more money)... so now I'm relying on my free resources (when motivated). I have serious issues, haha.

    Looking forward to getting to know those I don't already know, and supporting those I do! xoxo
  • 13519485
    13519485 Posts: 264
    Hello everyone! :flowerforyou:

    I am Candace. I am a 26-year-old English-American recluse living in the middle of nowhere in Indiana. I will likely be moving to Watford though closer to the end of the year, or sometime early next year. :D I'm really excited about that. I am not the most positive person in the world, not even close, but I do my best and try to be the most positive and supportive person I can be. I'm the founder of the LGBT+ group here on MFP, and I'm a dedicated activist for the LGBT community.

    I despise the MFP public forums. Recently, I messaged Steven and requested that I be banned from the public forums. He took care of that for me, and then I write a filter for my adblock plus so that the "recent topics" div no longer shows on my Home page. These past few days away from the forums have been a bit refreshing. :happy:

    Anyway, my MFP travels began 31 June last year and I was 387 pounds, I think. Initially I lost weight, and then my fiancée/girlfriend of thirteen years left me in August, and from then through the end of November I gained everything I'd lost back plus about 32 pounds. Now I am down to 360ish pounds, and I don't plan to stop until I'm somewhere from 160-180 pounds. :smile:

    Best of luck to everyone here in achieving your desired goals. :flowerforyou:


    Candace P.
  • sullykat
    sullykat Posts: 461 Member
    Kate, here!

    29, married to a wonderful man who is never home due to work. We JUST bought our first house, and I am currently up to my eyeballs in paperwork and signatures.

    I also go to school and work. I'm SUPER busy right now, and frrrreeeeeaaakkkkkiiiiinnnnggggg out. Doing my best to remain calm.

    I love the idea of a positive space as I am in no mood these days for people being snarky and rude to me. Like the girl yesterday who was being insulting and judging my relationship based on the fact that I said "I'm thankful for my husband putting up with my cat even though he is allergic to her, and because he always tries really hard at everything even when he fails (which he does often, lol)" I sent her a personal message, and surprise, surprise, no message back.

    Only love peeps, only love! Thanks for this, Sarah!

    p.s. I promise, when I am less stressed, and am far more positive :blushing:
  • piari
    piari Posts: 50 Member
    Hi all! I'm Pia.

    I'm eighteen years old, just graduated from high school. I originally joined this website in a bid to lose weight unhealthily. I was eating way too little, but some of the lovely people on mfp put me on the right track. Since then, I've been trying to maintain my weight and have enjoyed making friends on here!

    My goal is to eat about 1600 cals daily and to do some form of exercise over half the days of the week.

    It's lovely to meet you all! Thank you so much for making this group, Sarah! ♥ ♥ ♥
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    Hi everyone, I'm Feathers because I am super shy and hate using my name on the internet. x) I'm a newly-20 year old girl in college, engineering major. I love jelly beans, princesses, and owls. I struggle with eating enough or junk food (mostly sugar) binging, I can't seem to find a balance but I'm trying. Nice to meet you all! <3
  • ranewell
    ranewell Posts: 621 Member
    Hi, Thanks for the invite Sarah!! I'm Rita, I live in Michigan close to Ann Arbor. I have lost 60 lbs, but I have been stuck at that number for MONTHS! It's incredibly frustrating, but my best friend is getting married in October and I MUST fit into this dress I want to wear :) Nice to meet you all so far!
  • angela828
    angela828 Posts: 498 Member
    I like this group! let's hope I remember about it... thats my issue, I forget about forums and groups and rarely check them.
    Anyway -
    lost 60 pounds - started this journey end of Dec 2010. Reached my goal of 150 in Dec 2011 and it's been a sloooooooow road into the 140s. Resting pretty comfortable at 148! Maintaining for my wedding on July 14! It was all about the dress... now it's about my health and wellness and exercise... the dress is just a bonus now!

    once the wedding is over, I'd love to lose another 20 pounds. I feel comfortable but at the same time know there is so much to improve upon.

    currently on week 6 of C25K! running my first 5k in July.
  • estitom
    estitom Posts: 205 Member
    Hi y'all! :happy: I'm Sarah, 18 years old, and I really like the idea of a group where you can share things without being afraid of snarky comments. I'm excited about this :smile:

    I have an eating disorder and I want to recover. Some days are great, some days are not so great but I'm trying my best most of the time.

    Nice to meet you! :flowerforyou:
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    It is SO great to meet all of you and thank you for the awesome feedback!

    So more about me-
    Just turned 25 on May 22 :drinker:
    Engaged to a really goofy and great guy I call Penguin
    Junior in college (1 more year left) for my BS in Psychology. I want to work with mood disorders and eating disorders. :ohwell:
    I've lost about 26 pounds on MFP and almost the same amount of inches too! I am trying to lose the last 5-10 pounds. I have been putting on a lot of muscle recently though so even though my weight has maintained since the beginning of February, it's all right. I'm definitely losing fat so I'm glad about that but still, i'll be happy when the actual weight comes off too!
    I love talking to people and i will always support you or help out in any way i can. Just ask and I'm here! :flowerforyou:

    To those wanting to recover from eating disorders of any kind: welcome. don't be afraid, don't be ashamed. You CAN do this. I did :heart:
  • dezedeze
    dezedeze Posts: 96 Member
    Hi everyone!

    Nice to meet all of you. I'm a 33 year old living in Massachusetts and in the middle of moving to Providence, RI because my husband is graduating from medical school this weekend (yaaaay!!) and will be doing residency at Brown. We've been totally nuts lately buying, refinancing, and renting homes as well as finding new jobs and generally just being crazy busy.

    I've recently fallen off the MFP wagon due to all this, and today got up the courage to get on the scale again...and yikes. It's taken it's toll. Looking forward to starting at my new job (they have an employee gym), working regular hours (right now I work as a nurse practitioner in the hospital and so do all sorts of odd shifts), and getting back on track.

    Looking forward to all the positive thoughts!!
  • drblythe
    drblythe Posts: 163 Member
    I'm Blythe..... and am not actually a doctor :)
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    Hi guys, I'm really excited about this place. The forums can be such a downer, and I have a hard time finding like-minded people. My name is Victoria, I'm 25, married to a wonderful man who can cook, one dog, two cats, I study Literature and Creative Writing (poetry), and I work as a designer for a teeny-tiny environmentally-conscious t-shirt company! I have struggled with anorexia in the past, and I have also been obese. Trying to find a balance now and let my weight stop yo-yoing so i can get my head and my body healthy and happy! Nice to meet all of you :)
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    Hey Victoria!

    We've been friends for awhile but I didn't know all that about you so i'm really glad i got the chance to see this!
    does your company have a website? sounds like my kind of store!
    After I started recovering from anorexia, i swung the other way too, due to a combination a meds and depression mostly. I'm doing the same thing you are- making my head and body get in sync and happy at once!
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    The job is pretty recent! The company does not have a proper website yet, but it's called Gogh Green, if you google it you'll get the idea. We buy old clothes from thrift stores and reuse the fabric to sew designs onto t-shirts. We sell a lot of SEC football mascots. I hope we get the site running full-steam soon so I can show off some of my designs, most currently a really cute hippo for kids lol.
  • PinkAndSparkle
    Hi! I'm Rebecca, I'm 26 and live in Boston with my red headed husband and 2 gigantic orange cats.
    I have struggled with food since I can remember. Currently, I'm working on getting used to being in my skin. I've never been happy with my body, but I'm working hard to just live life without worrying about food constantly. I consider myself IN recovery, but not recovered. I strongly believe that full recovery is possible and I am very determined!

    Anyway, I'm a little crazy, very nerdy, usually pretty fun, and like all things pink and sparkly, especially champagne!