The "just because" thread- have fun!



  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member
    ***Pretty Gross Content***Read at your own risk

    SO, I have been eating much better than I have ever done in my life and last night we all went to a BBQ joint to splurge and celebrate a great father figure in my life. Within an hour of eating all the sauces and grease and meat [because I only eat chicken, turkey or seafood for over a year now] I was in my restroom literally with major diarrhea! I mean to the point of where I did not even want to be in there myself!

    My question is, will this happen every time I eat out of my healthy eating lifestyle? Am I destined to blow up the bathroom every time I have greasy food or go over my food intake limit? This is not the first time it has happened either, seems like every time I eat more than either bland or very low calorie meals I am chained to the toilet.

    This is something I experience as well. I am much more sensitive to fried and oily foods and large quantities of dairy (like 16oz or more at a time), for example. It is normal for your body to react like that. I don't think it will ALWAYS do it. I think once we get into the habit of eating healthily and our body expects that as well as the occasional treat it'll be better. I usually get smaller portions of something I think might upset my stomach. If I stop at a fast food place, for example, I'll get a junior hamburger and small fries so there's less to upset my stomach! That usually works ok. If it keeps happening and you simply can't stop it, consult your doctor and see if there's anything to help it. And pass the info along, lol!
  • PinkAndSparkle
    I have a similar reaction to red meat now. I don't not eat red meat for any particular reason, I just dont like it much, and haven't eaten it since I was a kid. In December I was in California visiting my brother and we had In and Out Burger. I thought I was going to die. Literally. I couldn't leave the bathroom, and I must have chugged like an entire bottle of pepto!

    I just avoid it now, doesnt seem worth the risk! As for your question, I would just be really careful around foods you havent had in awhile and proceed with caution!
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229

    This is the only place where I would even think about discussing this but... I need some opinions! Last night (margarita night) my girlfriends and I were talking about, what else?, sex! Turns out one of my girlfriends in her mid 30s, who just had a baby, has a very high libido and is getting it quite frequently. When she went out of town for only 3 days she left her husband a naked picture of Pam Anderson with her head pasted on inside their closet doors! That was the beginning of a sexy scavenger hunt where he had to go around finding all kinds of sexy clues all over the house. She said that she was engaged before and he cheated on her, so she has realized the importance of keeping it interesting in the bedroom.

    Well... aside from finding out that my friend is a nympho haha my head was spinning. My husband and I have always been more of a quality over quantity kind of couple. We'd rather do it 2 or 3 times a week and devote hours to it than have it be part of the daily grind *ahem* no pun intended. We are into spontaneity. But still... I can't help wondering if perhaps he might appreciate opening our closet and finding porn! I mean, of course he would! So I guess my question is, ladies, what do you do to keep it interesting?

    Let me rephrase: I'm not asking for "moves" or how-to's in the bedroom. I am well versed in that area. But how do you keep him interested outside of the bedroom? Sexting? Scavenger hunts? Stripper-grams? lol I want to know!

    Btw, I talked to my hubby about this and he told me he really likes my yoga pants! Haha very enlightening.
  • sarahkatara
    sarahkatara Posts: 826 Member

    Ok, so how to keep it interesting and spicy outside of the bedroom. Are you sure you want me to start? Once I get going i get a little obsessed and out-of-hand! NC-17 material ahead!!!

    1. I'm a huge fan of lingerie. Any guy who says he doesn't like it or it's a waste because "it's just coming off anyway" is A. lying or B. never seen a hot girl in hot lingerie. I don't even go to Victoria's Secret. Too damn expensive. I go to Ross Dress For Less, TJ Maxx, Burlington Coat Factory- any store like that (where you can get all the designer and leftover merchandise from department stores for great prices). I don't go crazy- but a sexy push up bra and some litttle underwear that show off your *kitten* work wonders. I just got this one that's black lace, see through, corset-tied back, just covers the important parts. Wait for him to come home, be in that, and watch what happens.

    2. Besides lingerie- steal one of his button down shirts, preferably white. Freshen up. Put said button shirt on and ONLY said button shirt. They somehow love the "holy **** she's wearing my clothes and there's a BOOBY!!!!!!" LOL

    3. I did this one recently and it turned out quite well. Buy a can of whipped cream and chocolate sauce (or whatever you like), put it in the refrigerator with a note that says something like, "guess what's for dessert ;)". Watch his jaw drop. I also recommend having the lingerie on, lol.

    4. Do you like porn? Yes? AWESOME. Watch some that turns YOU on. NOT the stupid kind with a "plot". Just some good old-fashioned girl + guy (or girl + girl + guy, or whatever you like) porn. Watch something you want done to you. It'll turn you on and up that libido a bit ;) watch some *kitten* too. even if you're a pro and he can't stop praising your goddess-like skills (i just have to say here that I am apparently the BJ queen. Penguin is rather fond), you can learn some tricks. I did that last week and the reaction i got from that one was a breathless, "best.ever.that's all." If you don't particularly like porn, search for some that you might like. Personally, i'm a fan of: massage videos where it turns into a really good ****, threesomes, and when the girl is in control. It gives me confidence and i walk around like, yeah i'm sexy and i know it!

    5. Tease the **** out of him. Randomly pull down his pants and lick the inside of his thighs, or wherever will tease the **** out of your guy. Don't give him a *kitten*. Maybe give him a little lick or something to enhance the teasing. Then, stop, and walk away. Preferably naked/in lingerie. Do that a few times and if he tries to touch you, don't let him. I guarantee he will beg!

    6. I like sexting too lol. A suggestive text can really go a long way...especially when it includes a picture....

    Ok, those aren't that bad! i'll be thinking of this all day, so i'm sure i'll come back with more....
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    Sexting is fantastic. Seriously

    I email my DH pics when he's at work.

    Open communication straight up ask, what do you want me to do or do you want to try.
  • vzucco
    vzucco Posts: 229
    These are awesome! Haha, I'll have to post the results