How to juice when you are always on the go?

TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
Trying to figure this out. I bought my juicer last year but hubby who used to be so anti vegetable and didnt like most fruits either was not interested and was a bit hard to do it on my own. Well he stumbled across fat sick and nearly dead last week on netflix and announced that he wanted to do a reboot. We both need to loose about 30 lbs and he believes he may be prediabetic as most people in his family have it. ok now to the question.

My juicer was not very expensive so it is hard to clean so far I have been making a BIG juice like a tea pitcher full for he and I to share the night before and it will last most of the next day then we make another big juice that night drink some and go to bed. My problem is like most people I am always on the go. My job I am a food server. We dont get lunch breaks, sometimes we dont get any kind of break at all unless it is to grab a cup and gulp down some water or tea or soda etc and run back out. There is free bread and butter and soup not very healthy, the healthiest is still full of sodium. I am avoiding those now. I have been buying naked juices to drink at work since I dont have a way to keep the juice cold and it is pasturized but sometimes it gets thrown away when someone is cleaning and I am left to be running my but off, sometimes burning as much as 3000 calories in a day with nothing to keep me going. Any ideas? I have a shake bottle and thinking about taking that with me drink some of the juice and start adding ice cubes thru out the day to keep it cold fresh and I dont someone will toss that. Does that sound safe? What about when driving and running errands and such? What are you guys doing?


  • cindaroses
    cindaroses Posts: 117
    Sometimes I would freeze it before I took it to work. As it would melt, I would drink it. Some juices don't taste as well when they thaw, but most of them are fine. If you don't want to water them down with ice, than you would put them in a small cooler full of ice.
  • sanjoparolas
    sanjoparolas Posts: 557 Member
    Trish it looks like you are off to a great start so far. I support the idea of using fresh juice while fasting or supplementing your regular diet. In your case, you are working yourself hard and my opinion is you need to give your body healthy food at that activity level. Juice is best for you right after it is made. Fasting is for times of planned reduced activity. What works for me during busy times is to make juice for my husband and I in the morning and that's it right now. I did a juice fast and it was a great kickstart -- I feel it really changed my cravings from junk to a plant-based whole foods diet (not diet as in reduced calorie but as in lifestyle change). Now we just have juice as a supplement to our regular (mostly healthy) diet. And I hear you about cleaning the juicer! That's part of the reason why you want reduced activity during a fast . . . so you can devote the time it takes to repeatedly clean that thing! Best wishes on your journey whichever direction you decide to take.
  • TrishJimenez
    TrishJimenez Posts: 561 Member
    Thanks, I will try the freezing the night before tonight and take it to work tomorrow. I do have a refrigerated lunch box but my bottles dont fit in it very well at all. I guess I can take one to work pour it in a cup with a lid and add a little bit of ice and drink it in an hour or two and the other one for the second half of the shift. I hear you about the planed inactivity but I rarely get two days off in a row and sometimes I can go 12 days with out a day off and by then I am so backed up on my todo list that it is almost more exhausting then going to work. But with the kids going to there dads for the summer I will try and see if I can bundle up my days off and do a real juice fast. From what I read I only need like 3 days. And then the worst is over. I really need a jumpstart.
  • bsgkid
    bsgkid Posts: 72 Member
    Try rinsing a metal thermos, and then freezing the thermos overnight (leaving a few of the water droplets to freeze). When you juice, fill the thermos to overflowing and then put in the stopper. This eliminates any air trapped in the thermos that can oxidize your juice. The thermos will keep your juice fresh and cold until lunchtime - no worries! :drinker: