Plateau 8 weeks post baby

poocker Posts: 3 Member
Hey everyone. Im new to this community. I was wondering if any of you delt with weight loss plateaus after baby. The first 20 lbs fell off in two weeks. I have 15 left and those 15 are acting like the last 5.

For the past 5 weeks I have walked 2 mi or run 1.5 mi or I have done one of Julian's 30 day shred work outs every day. I can feel my body changing and Im sure Im gaining muscle back, but 5 weeks without a change on the scale or a change in the way clothes fit?! Whats going on and what do I need to do now? I have never been overweight so maybe I just dont appreciate how hard I need to work to get the pounds off?

I am eating anywhere from 1300 to 1500 calories a day and I do not breastfeed. Help?!


  • chamcmillan
    chamcmillan Posts: 40 Member
    Usually when someone hits a plateau it means they need to change their routine to shock the body. For example if your running on a treadmill and you have been running at a pace of 5 bump it up to a pace of 5.5
  • carleyjean2772
    carleyjean2772 Posts: 13 Member
    same boat here only it's been 3 months since I delivered. Not a single pound lost in a month. I am finding it hard to only eat 1300 cal a day when I was eating twice that while pregnant. I don't work out everyday, i'm thinking maybe I need to. I usually walk the neighborhood with the stroller 3 times a week.
  • kimmers99
    kimmers99 Posts: 38
    Same situations here, lost the first 20 now have 10 to go and they are hanging on. I have lost a number of inches but really frustrated that the scale is not changing. Trying to be patient, my little one is 2 months this week.
    I am breastfeeding and have been eating back all my calories.
  • apreslar27
    apreslar27 Posts: 16 Member
    Check out the eat more to weigh less group, lots of great info about getting weight loss going again. Good luck!
  • lawandabradley
    lawandabradley Posts: 48 Member
    You would need to change your routine. I am 5 months post partum. It's been a long rough journey. The first 20 or more lbs came off fast. The last 15, I had to work extra hard. During the last 10 to 7lbs it went Plateau. I Bumped up & changed my exercising routine and eventually it came off. Patients and persistence is the key. But DON'T GIVE UP!! It will eventually come off, stay determine to lose the weight.
  • labtracks
    labtracks Posts: 108 Member
    Exact same thing here (although I am breastfeeding). First 22 fell right off the last 15 have been a bear no matter what I did I literally was stuck in the same 2 pound range (up/down) for 3 months straight. I think it just might be a thing the body goes through after giving birth because it seems like many women who are doing the "right" things have the same story.
    If it's any help my 15 is finally starting to budge now that he's 4 months old. I'm not really doing anything different but I work out everyday and log everything that goes in my mouth... same as I've done since he was 1 month old with no results. It will come off, just be patient and keep working at it....
  • JennsRAQ
    JennsRAQ Posts: 132 Member
    I will have to keep an eye out on this thread! I've lost 34lb since my due date weight and my little guy will be 7 weeks tomorrow.
    My loss has been pretty much in jolts of a pound lost here and a pound lost there, but it's obviously slowing down right now.
    I haven't started working out yet, so I'm hoping that'll be a good start to toning up and losing the last pounds... I'm still about 25ish lbs to my ultimate goal weight
  • bridget713
    bridget713 Posts: 10
    I'm almost 11 weeks pp. I lost 30 lbs within the first month pp, now I'm stuck with the rest... I've lost 2 more very slowly and I have at least 18 to go. I've been trying to stick with my calories but I get so confused about what i should be eating. There are so many different calculators and thoughts about correct calories to lose weight. I should be eating between 2200 and 1500... that's a hugh discrepancy. I've been doing JM's 30 day shred plus walking approx 2miles most days. I've had a recent drop in breast milk supply so that's concerning and I skipped a day of working out because of it. I don't know where to go from here. I plan to start insanity on Sunday, but now I'm a little concerned because of my bm supply and I go back to work in 1 week. According to the insanity diet when doing that work out I should be eating 5 meals a day and 2700 calories! This seems CRAZY to me! How do I lose weight eating 2x what I normally would... ahh! I'm so confused.
  • poocker
    poocker Posts: 3 Member
    Has anyone done research on "eat more weigh less"? Because from what I can tell, there is no actual data saying that there is a such thing as starvation mode.

    I go back to work on Monday and not a thing fits. At least Im getting stronger. It seems like I am thinning up everywhere but my stomach - which makes my clothes impossible to get into. Despite thinning in some areas, the scale is not changing a bit. So odd to me. I read somewhere that when you are pregnant, you create new fat cells rather than increasing the ones you already have. Perhaps is really really hard to eliminate those fat cells especially when your cycle is out of whack and could be for a while. Does my body think its still pregnant?
  • Stroupester
    Stroupester Posts: 7 Member
    You all are impressive! I didn't even start to think about losing weight until about 6 months postpartum. I think that initial big weight drop is mostly water & hormonal, it doesn't have anything to do with diet/exercise.
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    The weight will slowly do its thing. My son is 3.5 months old now. I was stuck at the same weight since almost 2 weeks post partum. My clothes did change in size. I just now started getting a little more serious about losing it. :) My hips are still huge, my ta ta's are out of control since I breast feed, but I know these things will change later. :)
  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    I dropped all my baby weight but 10lbs by my 6 week check up and with breast feeding I gained 10 more back. Those 20 pounds took forever to get off. And the last 10 pounds I sat at a platue for almost 3 months before the scale started moving again. And what do you know I have dropped 10lbs in a month and I am 7 months post partum and finally down to my prepregnancy weight! Mind you I gained over 65 pounds.
  • miss_rye_
    miss_rye_ Posts: 94 Member
    I dropped all my baby weight but 10lbs by my 6 week check up and with breast feeding I gained 10 more back. Those 20 pounds took forever to get off. And the last 10 pounds I sat at a platue for almost 3 months before the scale started moving again. And what do you know I have dropped 10lbs in a month and I am 7 months post partum and finally down to my prepregnancy weight! Mind you I gained over 65 pounds.

    I gained close to 45 with mine, and I was on bed rest :( I lost ALL muscle. I still have a very long way to go, but it is baby steps. I am not living with the excuse I just had a baby, however I am being real that changes take time.
  • coastiebride1120
    coastiebride1120 Posts: 51 Member
    i have no excuse but laziness and bad eating habits. Chick fil a was the only thing i kepted down my second trimester and i was so sick i dropped 15lbs those first few months. So i thought i had plenty of leeway to gain and did really good until the last 2 months of my 3rd trimester when i put it ALL on! I ballooned like crazy those last two months :'( now im playing for it but its all off and i have about 25 more to go until i am at my idea of a comfortable number but we will see when i get there if i am indeed happy at 125ish