Newbie with 4 stones to lose!

Cherry_star Posts: 40 Member
Morning all

Just thought I'd pop by to say hello. Week 1 is going really well, my first weigh in is due tomorrow *gulp*, and the hunger pangs and chocolate cravings have lessened already which is great! I'm working on my weight loss first and foremost before I really start to focus on my exercise. I feel really positive and motivated to make a real lifestyle change (although I may not feel quite that way when I step on the scales tomorrow!)

Hope everyone's enjoying the long weekend

Cherry x


  • sandrajune72
    sandrajune72 Posts: 550
    Hi Cherry and welcome to MFP! :happy:

    This long weekend is soooo nice isn't it?!!! Good luck with your weigh in, mine's today!

    Feel free to add me if you like! :flowerforyou:
  • jynnantonnyk
    jynnantonnyk Posts: 81 Member
    Welcome Cherry!

    I'm trying to lose about the same so feel free to add me. As I lose more, I also want to concentrate on fitness so I'm kinda doing this in two stages, it'll all be worth it!

    Long weekend? Some of us had to work through it! :( lol day off tomorrow and weigh-in is Thursday.

    Good luck and let us know your progress!
  • sixfootaliw
    Welcome Cherry!

    I'm 40 too and also trying to lose around 60 pounds total. MFP is really working for me because of the way it is teaching me to balance food and exercise and because of the great support network you can build here.

    Feel free to add me and we can support each other!
