Tuesday's Challenge! 6/5/12

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Challenge yourself to to not rush when you eat your food! A coworker and I were talking about this the other day. We eat in our cars...rushing, we eat standing up and we rush our children which teaches the same habit..."hurry up we got to GO!!!" I know it is necessary sometimes but in the USA it is a norm. I even saw a guy walking down the street eat a burrito! How can you enjoy, savor the flavors, realize in your head you just ate! Take time and actually chew instead of inhaling food whole like a T-REX and enjoy it. What textures and different flavors you taste? This is often why we don't feel 'satisfied'....

Sit, eat, and enjoy and I dare you to take more then 15 min to eat! =Oh and drink slowly too not glug glug glug....



  • AshRyd
    AshRyd Posts: 126 Member
    i saw something similar to this on Oprah years back (i think i was even still in college, so probably 20 year ago) and she had a lady from France talking about why the french were able to stay thin and her first (and actually only one I remember) was that the french take their time eating. they make it an "event". She said the French sit down at a table with a nice plate (she had china) real flatware (not plastice) and glass (not styrtophome,straw) and she took an hour and most take two hours eating and enjoying their food - no work, no driving, no typing......

    when I saw this it reminded me and I started thinking --- over the last 20 years I now eat at my desk, or in my car, or while multi tasking at home with the kids, or running them to something......... i usually eat a sandwich/burger wrapped in paper, fries out of cardboard, and drinking from a styrophome cup and I might have 15 minutes to get it done! we usually only manage to eat one family healthy balanced dinner together at the table with real dishes and talking and taking our time in a week! and in the last 20 years I have gained 120 lbs!!!!!

    this is an excellent challenge!!!!!
  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Great challenge! I have always been a fast eater, but I've noticed my husband shovels in his food like he's afraid someone's going to take it away from him. It's made me more aware of how fast I eat, too. But it's always a good reminder that we should all slow down and enjoy our meals more.
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    I have to think about this all time time myself. I try and drink 8 oz of water prior to eating any meal. That way I can determine if I'm really hungry and I tend to fill up a lot faster as well. :)
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    Sometimes I actually leave my office and just eat outside because eating inside sometimes is stressful and I eat faster.