Squat Rack Hogger

chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
How do you deal with a squat rack hogger? He was using it for squats but never left the confines of the rack. I think he took 30 second breaks between sets. I tried to make eye contact to ask if I could work in but he was avoiding it. He also had headphones on and music blasting. He was there for about 45 minutes just doing squats. Do I tap him on the shoulder and demand to work in? Kidney punch him? Tattle to the staff? I tried to use the Smith machine but after 2 sets, my back hurt and I was super pissy.


  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    ok, this is me.... :smokin:
    last time that happened, i ALWAYS let them finish their set. then, he wouldn't look at me, so i "tapped" the bar, and he glared at me. i said, "how many sets do you have left?" he told me, and i said, anyone behind you, he said no, i said good, i will be waiting and walked away... he was done in 15 minutes...
  • chubby_checkers
    chubby_checkers Posts: 2,354 Member
    i "tapped" the bar, and he glared at me. i said, "how many sets do you have left?" he told me, and i said, anyone behind you, he said no, i said good, i will be waiting and walked away... he was done in 15 minutes...

    I'll try this if it happens again. I did that little wave thing you do to get someone's attention but he was having none of it. :grumble: Very few people use the squat rack when I'm there so it was a new experience.
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    i "tapped" the bar, and he glared at me. i said, "how many sets do you have left?" he told me, and i said, anyone behind you, he said no, i said good, i will be waiting and walked away... he was done in 15 minutes...

    I'll try this if it happens again. I did that little wave thing you do to get someone's attention but he was having none of it. :grumble: Very few people use the squat rack when I'm there so it was a new experience.

    i find asking how many sets they have left helps - especially if they do not ACTUALLY have a plan and are just screwing around in there because they will spit out a random number and then stick to it (or they actualy have a plan and at least you know what it is).

    last night these 2 girls were jeopardizing a bench press rack and bench for ages - it really irritated me because they were doing some kind of dumbell + bodyweight stuff, and sometimes they'd go over and do things on the cable machine (With all their crap on and around the bench) AND they'd pulled the bar off the rack and put it elsewhere so no one could even work in sets in between. There *are* benches around that dont monopolize an olympic bar set up as well but they were kind of occupied last night. still, it was so annoying, if they'd just left the bar on there i could have worked my sets in while they stood there pumping out curls with their stupid barbie weights.
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Punch him in the nuts if he won't acknowledge you.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    This has happened to me, both ways. I've had to say, "excuse me, how many sets do you have left." And I've been asked this as well. But this is rare...there's just not a lot of weight lifters at the Y when I'm there. *knock wood*
  • juliebeannn
    juliebeannn Posts: 428 Member
    i "tapped" the bar, and he glared at me. i said, "how many sets do you have left?" he told me, and i said, anyone behind you, he said no, i said good, i will be waiting and walked away... he was done in 15 minutes...

    I'll try this if it happens again. I did that little wave thing you do to get someone's attention but he was having none of it. :grumble: Very few people use the squat rack when I'm there so it was a new experience.

    i find asking how many sets they have left helps - especially if they do not ACTUALLY have a plan and are just screwing around in there because they will spit out a random number and then stick to it (or they actualy have a plan and at least you know what it is).

    last night these 2 girls were jeopardizing a bench press rack and bench for ages - it really irritated me because they were doing some kind of dumbell + bodyweight stuff, and sometimes they'd go over and do things on the cable machine (With all their crap on and around the bench) AND they'd pulled the bar off the rack and put it elsewhere so no one could even work in sets in between. There *are* benches around that dont monopolize an olympic bar set up as well but they were kind of occupied last night. still, it was so annoying, if they'd just left the bar on there i could have worked my sets in while they stood there pumping out curls with their stupid barbie weights.

    ugh. this is so annoying.
  • numindan
    numindan Posts: 163 Member

    When I'm lifting alone, I'm a huge squat rack hogger. If I don't have a spotter, it's the safest way I know to lift and avoid hurting myself if I fail. Luckily we have two racks at our gym and it's usually not busy when I tend to go.

    I don't lift with music and I never mind being asked how much longer until I'm done. I also only take 60 second breaks between sets and move through everything as quickly as possible.

    *slinks away*
  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member

    When I'm lifting alone, I'm a huge squat rack hogger. If I don't have a spotter, it's the safest way I know to lift and avoid hurting myself if I fail. Luckily we have two racks at our gym and it's usually not busy when I tend to go.

    I don't lift with music and I never mind being asked how much longer until I'm done. I also only take 60 second breaks between sets and move through everything as quickly as possible.

    *slinks away*

    Its not hogging if you are using it for what its MEANT for, which is a safe way to rack and complete the lifts while providing you with an out for failure.

    My husband and I sometimes jeopardize a rack for a whole 70-90 minutes between the two of us, but we are DOING something in there that requires the rack the whole time, and taking regular timed rest breaks (not just standing around chatting, we DO talk during rest breaks but if you ask us at any point how much longer we have to go, we can tell you, and if you time us on our rest breaks they are consistent and never more than 5 minutes).

    Its hogging when people use the squat racks to do curls (or in my opinion shrugs although they will tell you the need the rack - and I will tell them that if they can't deadlift that amount of weight off the floor they have no business doing anything else with it....) or bodyweight exercises (go ahead and do them, but do them OUTSIDE the rack so someone else can work sets in between yours).
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    I worry about hogging, especially as I do every stronglifts but the bench in the squat rack, but no-one seems to mind. I tend to go in when I think its going to be quiet, and most of the guys use the dumbells anyway. I only take short breaks so I dont feel too bad.
    But yeah, politely asking how meny sets is the way to go.

    Some (effing huge) guy asked me politely yesterday when I was benching how many sets I had left, I only had one, so he just asked if I could give him a shout when I was done, which I was more than happy to do.

    What REALLY pisses eme off is deloading someone elses weights. Sure I wont mind when I NEED 15kg plates of each side of the bar, but seriously, put them the f*** away so I can load up quicker.
  • irridia
    irridia Posts: 527 Member
    my son does this... drives me crazy. Sometimes hubby does it too but often he actually will set everything up for me if I'm going after.
  • melainemelaine
    melainemelaine Posts: 127 Member
    haha, I had a funny one last night!

    I arrived in the free weights section and found three guys at the squat rack.

    I went to the last one and asked how many sets do you have left? He says, we just started. DUDE, that was not the question.
    So I stayed persistent and asked, well can I jump in? He says, but then we have to change weights...and I reply, well is that a problem??? he says no.
    They then left the rack within 30secs and left it to me! LOL

    Made my evening! :laugh: