
I think we can start off by getting an idea of what each of us wants to achieve. It doesn't matter how big or small the goal is because ultimately we all want the same thing, the body of our dreams! Lol. And hopefully this group will help us stay connected and hold us accountable for our goals. #ohlehdoit :happy:


  • Ashlash88
    Ashlash88 Posts: 4
    So as far as weight goals, I want to lose like 20-25 more lbs. UNLESS, I start to look like a rail as one of my friends so kindly told me. Lol. I want to maintain an hourglass figure and wear about a size 6-8 ideally. Right now I'm at a size 10 and I can squeeze into an 8 if I don't eat all day, hold my breath and turn my leg at a certain angle. Lol. In case y'all don't know my stats, I'm only 5'2" so I'm overweight for my height :cry:

    I want to feel this :love: when I look into the mirror and not this :mad: .. Lol. I'm carrying most of my weight in my waist, so I'm really trying to shed these inches so when people see me they'll be like :bigsmile: . I'm rediscovering myself, changing my lifestyle, and trying to look incredible in the process.

    Can't wait to hear you all's goals!!
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    I'd love to lose 10% of my body fat. I'm trying to do that with eating right, which I have under control (most of the time) and walking and minor weight lifting. I know my body weight is going to go up as I build muscle but my body fat % will go down so I am ok with that. Wish me luck.
  • KiKi429
    KiKi429 Posts: 19 Member
    Hi.. I have a few mini goals.. the first one being to get to "one"derland. I am hoping to achieve this by mid July.
    My ultimate goal is to reach a weight range of 170-174 (which is towards the high end for my height of 5'9 3/4). At this stage in my weight loss journey i am not so fixed so much on numbers but more so on a size/fit/look. With that being said, i do not want to be skinny~ if possible i would love to hang onto my curves (and so does my husband--- he says if i start looking "skinny" he's bringing home doritios and kitkats). Although this seems to come with the territory another goal of mine is to maintain my loss. I have been as heavy as 260, and 9 years ago as small as 150, with great losses and gains in between the years, so to me, my problem isn't losing the weight... it's keeping it off (which i haven't grasped yet).
    That's why i joined team right and tight... to get it tight, and by doing it the right way ~ keeping it off. :happy:
  • WendyA1119
    WendyA1119 Posts: 53
    Hello there ladies!

    My name is Wendy. I have about 45 lbs to lose. I keep telling myself a pound at a time. I love working out but, like I am sure many of you have experienced, am always giving up. Life happens and healthy eating and working out goes right out the window.
    My goal is to get to 125lb of lean muscle. I want to be able to see muscle and be proud. Nothing too crazy but I am tired of fat covering my potential. Not to mention if not now, when?
  • Hello, my name is Kathy, I'm 49 years old. I started putting on weight about 5 years after my son was born. I was walking everyday, but i'd eat whatever and before I knew it....WOW! I have the same goal as WAA1119 to get lean and healthy and stay that way. I know it's going to be harder at my age, but I'm hoping with encouragement from this group and friends I'll be able to maintain and focus. I'd like to lose at least 20 pounds by the end of the year if not earlier. I'm taking it one and one pound at a time...even though I haven't lost any yet (but I did just start on Monday).

    Best of luck to us all!
  • baddieTay
    baddieTay Posts: 1
    hi im Shantay. i also would like to reach "one"derland and maintain my shape but tone up and lose weight LOL i have always been curvy. but after having 2 kids.. >_< its not tight like in college.. time to get back to that or at least close

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  • abranch12
    abranch12 Posts: 4
    Hello ladies!

    I love the name of this group, because I definitely want to get right and tight. Health is most important to me. My short term goal is to lose 30 lbs by the end of September. I'm turning 30 and I want to look good in a short freakum dress. Overall, I want to be about a size 12, currently I am a size 16. I definitely want to tone up as I lose and shed the fat, while gaining muscle and maintaining my voluptuous curves.
  • emmuci
    emmuci Posts: 160 Member
    Hey girls! :flowerforyou:
    I'm Emma and have already lost weight but still want to lose about....15-20 lbs :smile: I want to get healthier, fitter and of course, have a great shape! So bring it on!
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 258 Member
    Hi everyone

    I would like to tighten and tone my body ~ especially my mid section and loose any excess weight that I am holding on to permanently and keep it off through eating right and daily exercise. It is not really a number on the scale I am looking for but more a look ~ I did have that look a-few years ago and I was about 10-15 pounds lighter then.
  • Ashlash88
    Ashlash88 Posts: 4
    So I just took my measurements, and from there I think I wanna lose 3" from my bust, 5" from my waist, and 3" from my hips. Like I said before, I'm going for the hourglass figure :bigsmile: Trying to be summertime fine, but I probably won't be the "fine" I'm looking for until after summertime. Lol. But umm, I'm a little lost about this "one"derland. Can somebody explain what that means?