Hydrochlorothiazide side effects

reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
I have been taking hydrochlorothiazide for about a month now and have nausea off and on and headaches. I know these are side effects but last night i threw up and this morning slight headache again. Is anyone else having these side effects and how long will they last?


  • krythie
    krythie Posts: 84 Member
    I've been taking HCTZ for years and never had those side-effects. You should probably contact your dr. and let them know what you're experiencing. I have had to be taken off of several different BP meds because of adverse reactions. There's a lot of choices out there. Your dr. will be able to find something that you can take without getting sick. Good luck!
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    My physician changed my BP meds a couple of times due to side effects, but no problems with hydrochlorothiazide.
  • ScottFree_66
    ScottFree_66 Posts: 200
    I agree, talk to your Dr... I have also had my medication changed because of this, there is no reason to suffer adverse side effects. There are a lot of drugs out there that can help you and won't have these symptoms.
  • shvits
    shvits Posts: 249 Member
    are you replacing your potassium? Are you eating a banana or orange every day? if not you are most likely low on potassium. Did your doc forget to tell you? Very typical for them to forget this VERY important thing. I was on it for years and always had trouble with my K until it stopped working and my medication was changed. Eating fruit is less calories then drinking a glass of orange juice. Oranges are in season, have a couple and you will feel better. Your doc. should be testing blood K levels occasionally.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Been eating fruits with more potassium. So, I feel better. Headaches on an off still, but better than it was. Thanks for your help.
  • idahopacker
    idahopacker Posts: 66 Member
    Been eating fruits with more potassium. So, I feel better. Headaches on an off still, but better than it was. Thanks for your help.

    Check out HEAL YOUR HEADACHE by David Buccholz, M.D. I'm about two-thirds of the way through the book and found the information on trigger foods interesting. My physician recommended that I read it because I have been having visual disturbances from migraine and he said our diets can play a huge role with these issues.
  • reneepugh
    reneepugh Posts: 522 Member
    Been eating fruits with more potassium. So, I feel better. Headaches on an off still, but better than it was. Thanks for your help.

    Check out HEAL YOUR HEADACHE by David Buccholz, M.D. I'm about two-thirds of the way through the book and found the information on trigger foods interesting. My physician recommended that I read it because I have been having visual disturbances from migraine and he said our diets can play a huge role with these issues.

    That sounds really interesting. I might have to read that soon.
  • dorothyhiggin
    I noticed blood pressure began to stabilize. The side effects were overwhelming. I had very dry mouth, no appetite. During the day constant drowsiness and weakness along with body aches I do not normally experience. I take three other blood pressure medicines. You can get to know more here http://www.internationaldrugmart.com/hydrochlorothiazide.html