Fridaaaaaaaaay!!!!!!!! Ok Friday Challenge?

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Did you make a plan or a goal for how you will handle today and this weekend? How will you eat something good and work it into your day or weekend? Exercise...what will you do? Are you busy a lot to do? You can still plan a quick workout that is intense and gives a great bang for your buck!!!!
Challenge see what you will do.
Me: I want pizza but prefer to make my own and use my own healthy ingredients...include extra veggies and wheat crust!




  • kimberly3555
    kimberly3555 Posts: 9 Member
    Today is my first day as a member! Been dieting off and on for two years. On again...strong! Friday night is usually buffalo chicken wing night and it is going to be a big salad with boiled eggs, baked tortilla chips and home-ade salsa. (We eat out alot). So for the weekend if we go out, my goal is to not order a plate at all, and take 1/4 to 1/2 of my spouse's plate depending on what he orders (as portions in restaurants are usually three times bigger than the average serving.) It's a start! Exercise? Limited for two more weeks from minor injury, may try to swim though if weather is good! -Kimberly
  • kreuzen
    kreuzen Posts: 188 Member
    My BF informed me last night that we would be staying up late and having dinner late. So I have planned my meals accordingly and some exercise so that I will be able to eat out at our late night eatery as planned. Planning is key. :)

    Going to go home and get in a quick 30 minute workout in.