What do you wish you would have known when you started CF?

nil8r Posts: 45 Member
Hi, my name is Melinda and I just joined a new CrossFit gym opening in my neighborhood. My first session is on the 16th and I plan to start with a Tue/Thur/Sat schedule.

What advice or reading do you recommend for a newbie?

What do you wish you would have known when you started out?

For a point of reference, I am not an athletic girl, have more than a few pounds to lose, and gets bored or unmotivated pretty easily if I start something "without a solid plan."

I did Pilates for 3 years and was very consistent until they moved across town. I've tried standard gym memberships, but the best thing about treadmills and running is the playlist. I get lost/intimidated trying to figure out the nautilus equipment. I know myself enough to know that I need to spend money, have a scheduled class time and feel accountable to someone in order to succeed.


  • rainbos
    rainbos Posts: 75 Member
    I dont think you need to know anything. You just do it. At my gym, they are great about teaching form. So just pay attention to that and practice your form (no weights at all).

    I didnt know squat when I arrived (haha, pun intended). And Ive only been a part of it for 3 months, but I STILL feel like Im a newbie.

    Cross-fitters like myself probably wish we could go MORE often. We fly on the adrenaline rush and the high that comes after each work out. When Im at work, I just cant wait to hit the box and work out. Beware - if you stick with cross fit long enough you are going to suffer from a massive increase in confidence and self esteem.
  • sapalee
    sapalee Posts: 409 Member
    What advice or reading do you recommend for a newbie?
    You don't have to have any knowledge going in, a good coach will do just that, coach you through. I have found reading some of the CrossFit Journal articles and watching videos on specific lifts helpful. Our gym posts the WOD in the morning and if it was something new to me (pretty much everything) I would watch a few videos before going to get an idea. Over 5 months later and I'm still learning new things, which I love.

    What do you wish you would have known when you started out?
    Hmm, maybe that the people would be super cool and amzing and din't care that I was new and weak and didn't know anything. Talk to everyone, they will become another family.

    For a point of reference, I am not an athletic girl, have more than a few pounds to lose, and gets bored or unmotivated pretty easily if I start something "without a solid plan."
    Neither was I and believe me you will not get bored with this plan.

    I know myself enough to know that I need to spend money, have a scheduled class time and feel accountable to someone in order to succeed.
    Same here, I can workout on my own but not the the same intensity and enjoyment that I get from a schedule and a group.
  • irishginger
    irishginger Posts: 33 Member
    I'm new - 2 weeks in and LOVING it!!! :heart:

    Best advice, read everything, listen to the trainers and push yourself based on your own strengths - don't compare yourself to others.

    The beauty of getting started with CF is that you have the ability to scale the workouts to your level. Never let the exercises intimate you; they are ALL do-able with modifications for your fitness level.

    Good luck and ENJOY!
  • cmay89
    cmay89 Posts: 337 Member
    don't forget to check out crossfit.com and watch the demo videos for helpful tips of certain movements or just for inspiration! there are a ton on there
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    I can't say I wish I knew anything, but just going in knowing to listen to the advice of your coaches & trainers. Don't be afraid to ask to go over basics of the lift, and always do Burgener warm ups before snatching. Oh, and stretch your hip flexors before and after every session.
    my go to site for all sorts of different stretches is www.mobilitywod.com