June's Safe Saturday!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Fitness: we all know a vital apart of life is movement...whether we lose weight or are attempting to maintain it we need a 'structured' exercise program and physical activity. We know and do this...I hope! LOL! But one thing I believe we should all think about is good form. When you run are you using good technique or just flopping out there putting yourself at risk for injury? Form is vital and sooooooo important no mater the exercise...yoga, lifting weights, running, spin class, walking, calisthenics or stretching even! The correct form makes you 1- get more out of the exercise and reach the benefit and 2-prevents injury!
If you don't know the correct form either ask a trainer or instructor at the gym
Go online and You Tube it
Go online to reputable fitness websites
Get a book!
