Week 3.... For your inspiration!

Great Article online at Prevention Magazine.com. I'm taking my favorite part and posting below, but go check out the link. Let's have a great week!!!! :flowerforyou:

"Drop “Diet” Thinking and Take the Coach Approach

* Diet thinking tells you that some foods should be avoided at all costs.
The coach approach is that there are no good or bad foods. You’ll learn to say “yes” to yourself without guilt, and what you want to say “yes” to will become healthier as you leave the guilt behind.

* Diet thinking tells you that you can quit your plan today and start over tomorrow.
The coach approach is that there is no set-in-stone program to follow or to fall off. A lifestyle evolves from one day to the next, taking into account what happens to you along the way and what you’ve learned from it.

* Diet thinking makes you believe that you have to be hard on yourself to change and that negative emotions like disgust and anger are motivators.
The coach approach is that negative thoughts don’t lead to change. Transformation is the result of positive feelings that build you up rather than tear you down, so improving your self-esteem and confidence actually precedes weight-loss success.

* Diet thinking says diving in with both feet and pushing yourself to the max both lead to greater success.
The coach approach is that you may need to lower the bar in order to jump over it. Keeping your weight-loss expectations realistic from the get-go will motivate you to move forward instead of frustrating you so much that you give up before you’ve even started. You can continue to increase your standards as you make progress and gain confidence in your abilities."

Read more: http://www.prevention.com/weight-loss/weight-loss-tips/coach-yourself-thin
