post-op VSGs who've started gaining



  • Cagsfa
    Cagsfa Posts: 10 Member
    I was one of the VERY lucky ones and lost 30 pounds lower than my surgeon's goal. It was so easy for me ... the weight just came off & I didn't have to religiously follow ALL the rules except for monitoring my protein.

    Well, 3 years later, that "EASY ROAD" was a bad deal. I didn't learn anything about eating slow, choosing healthy foods, etc. I'm up 17.1 pounds from my "I feel AWESOME weight:" I totally let things slide during the holidays and put on 8 of those since November 2012. I'm really trying to get back on track, but it is so hard. My head screams "SNACK ATTACK" in the evening!

    While I can definitely eat more than 6 months post op, I definitely still have restriction. Of course, the restriction is the best when I eat my protein first. But man, carbs taste good! I'd also gotten into a habit of a glass (or two) of wine in the evenings. Trying to restrict that & only have wine on the weekends. I've just started that this week, so time will tell if that strategy works for me.

    Any suggestions for dealing with the Snack Monster? I think if I can overcome that, I can get back to my desired weight & not hate looking in the mirror so much.

    Thanks for your help and comments.

    I drink Decaf Coffee in the evenings to curb snacking.
  • Sussysue
    Sussysue Posts: 34 Member
    Me - sad to say :(

    I met with my surgeon last week for my 15 mos post op and I lost 50# but gained 20 of it back in the last few months. Had Upper GI series and it showed my stomach stretch a little but I still have my restriction feeling so BACK ON THE BASICS for me.

    I have lost a pound since last week :) since meeting with him by going back and PAYING ATTENTION to what I am doing. I think my problem is that I have been eating soft proteins too frequently, which means I eat more of them, also more carbs (a no-no), and the fact of eating quickly (also a no-no). So I have been slowing down and putting in more CHEWABLE proteins. So far so good.

    I also need to do some exercise. I work a lot and I am on my feet a lot. 10-12 hours a time 3-4 days/week so when I have a day off in between I just want to sit and relax which is not good.