Team UK - How are we getting on?



  • JCwasere
    JCwasere Posts: 5
    Hi...I started 10 weeks ago. First time in my life that I've actively tried to lose weight.
    I didn't want to "do" any regular diets as I think society in general and people I know in particular have created a "Dieting is sooooo hard" and "Aaaaagh I ate a chocolate biscuit, I've failed....." ethos, that has, for me, created a fail before you start way of looking at diets.
    I must stress I know that is not true for everyone and millions of people have had huge success with "named" diets and everyone of them deserve praise and have my admiration.
    So I chose "The eat what you like, but count every calorie", way of doing it. I find MFP a perfect tool for this method as it gives you the oportunity to balance out exercise and food.
    I've lost 14lbs so far and that is with eating the occassional clotted cream tea........guilt free....
    A big Whoop Whoop to MFP and all its users....
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    getting very frustrated:( Been her since Jan, and at first it was great - good steady loss each week, but have been stuck for 7 weeks now. That was about the time I started reading the forums and put my cals up o BMR, so have come to th sad conclusion that my BMR must be below average and as of today am putting my cals back to 1200. Hope it works, cos 1200 is difficult to do.....
  • kyle4jem
    kyle4jem Posts: 1,400 Member
    I'm coming up to my 1st anniversary on MFP and can honestly say it's done wonders for me. Maybe I would have been able to lose all that weight on my own, but I need to track calories and have a much better understanding about how calorie-dense certain foods are as well as how to eat a balanced diet and still enjoy the things I love rather than feeling deprived and wanting as I have done on other weight-loss plans.

    I also love my MFPeeps - all my regular online friends who have been so supportive and encouraging and for whom I also feel a sense of kinship. We've all, most of us, been in the same boat now or in the past and it's that sharing of experiences as well as our hopes and fears that makes this place "real".

    Going to stop now, as I'm gushing and it's not a good look on a middle-aged man :laugh:
  • M155AUS
    M155AUS Posts: 52 Member
    I love MFP. I lost weight a while ago on Weight Watchers but got bored and put it all back on (then some). So I'm back to basics with MFP and lost some weight and have started exercising with cardio and strengthening. The WW & SW's are ok, but MFP places as much emphasis on exercise as it does on nutrition, which is why I'm liking it more than the pay to lose weight plans. Plus, these boards are good.

    Just wish the weather was better for our summer!
  • annemckee
    annemckee Posts: 170 Member
    I am doing really well, losing an average of a pound a week which is what I set out to do. I am approaching 40 weeks with MFP and I am sure it would have been a lot more difficult without it.
  • scooterist
    scooterist Posts: 17
    I found MFP a week or two after I started dieting when looking on my iphone for a calorie counting app. The weight tracking was a bonus and has really helped keep me motivated.

    I'm not very touchy feely so the forum/community support thing is all a bit foreign but it's interesting to see how people are getting on. Well done to all of you above btw. Some of the transformations in 'success stories' have been a real inspiration.

    When I started out back in January I looked at my BMI (40, morbidly obese) and decided that I could never be 12 stone something in the healthy range, so I set my weight loss target at 95kg, making me just a fatty - BMI 29.3. I've exceeded that now and spurred on by what I've seen others achieve have set a new goal of 80kg.

    I've also done C25K, joining the local parkrun community. Three official 5Ks so far, all under 29mins with a best of 27.54.

    Best of all, I can shop anywhere rather than just looking at the XXXL tops in Debenhams or (never again) having to go into High and Mighty.

    It's great being ordinary.
  • fontinathefox
    fontinathefox Posts: 124 Member
    I'm doing well too, been on here for 10 weeks and have lost 17lbs! Not got a lot left now, I might re-evaluate my goal because I think if I lose another 6lbs I might look a bit gaunt. Whoop whoop!