What are you doing to make week 3 great?

melonclarinet Posts: 163 Member
I found that week 2 was a bit depressing; lost 0.8 pounds...lame. I know that stress makes it harder and I was probably retaining water, but whatever, I want week 3 to be better.

So, what will I do to make it better?
-I'm going to be more mindful when eating.
- I'm going to eat more veggies.
-I'm going to eat more chicken and fish (beef is higher calorie and fat, but I LOVE it).
-I'm going to try to get my sleep and I'm going to find ways to decompress (even though this is one of the most stressful times in my life)

What are you doing?


  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    More fresh veggies and fruits as snacks instead of my usual "100 calorie" snacks or Weight Watchers snacks. They are ok to kill the chocolate or sugary cravings while keeping me under calorie goal but they are really just empty calories. I want to limit those to when I reallllllly need a fix not just for every day!!
  • delonda1
    delonda1 Posts: 525 Member
    I want to try to lose 1.5 lbs this week... so i am going to:

    -increase water
    -decrease refined carbs and carbs in general
    - less chocolate
    -no unhealthy food days
    -no alcohol this week or chips

    -do my version of clean eating
  • 7bel0
    7bel0 Posts: 192 Member
    I want week 3 to be better, too!! I have lost all this weight (the 5 pounds since ethis challenge) from just eating differently.

    This week!!
    - more gym sessions
    - 2 hour treadmill sessions 3 days this week
    - more water
  • neaneawy
    neaneawy Posts: 146 Member
    Not sure what happened last week. No weight loss, actually up 2lbs. I think I'm retaining water. I have to be since I have not cheated and I worked out 6 days last week. Keeping the same plan and hoping the water comes off soon.
  • ccmandel
    ccmandel Posts: 143 Member
    It's all relative right? I lost 1.8 and it was thrilled! Down to my last 7 lbs to lose and it's painful...just doesn't want to come off!

    Plan this week is to keep up the same things...eatng well and hitting the gym 5 days, adding in more weight training at the gym.

    Good luck everyone.
  • chandra38
    chandra38 Posts: 112 Member
    I am going to get over this sinus infection. That will enable me to get back to the gym. When I go to the gym, I just make better choices the rest of the day. My weight stayed the same, but I ate terrible and only worked out 3 days last week. So, I'm glad I didn't gain!

    No fast food!!!:wink: No sodas!!!!:grumble: Back to drinking 96 ounces of water a day, for me, that is key. :happy:
  • DarinGettingHawtin2013
    DarinGettingHawtin2013 Posts: 336 Member
    Hi, author of "Dammit, Week 3" here. I'm upping the water intake, reducing soda intake (have not been able to kick the one diet mountain dew in the morning), increasing green tea (although it's the diet lipton with citrus, mmmmmm, which may not count as real green tea).

    I've done walks at work both yesterday and today, and I made my fiance promise me that he'd make me do my Ripped in 30 tonight after I get home from work.

    Also, not drinking tonight. So not worth the calories right now!
  • karimatells
    gotta MOVE>>>>MOVE>>>>MOVE>>>>and drink MORE water!!!!!
  • ddiana21
    ddiana21 Posts: 68 Member
    switching up my workout and drinking more water..hope it helps.
  • phn1001
    phn1001 Posts: 39 Member
    Well week 1 was greatr for me down 7 lbs then along came week 2 which was bad. Had a family reunion with pasta in every dish. and leftover lasagne the next day. then we had a funeral at which the dearly departed requested wings and beers. |So by then all my body wanted was bad food. I was up a couple pounds but have gotten back to what I did week no0ne so am looking for a nice loss this Sunday. Eating well and hitting the gym will hopefully pay off
  • fmbomzo
    fmbomzo Posts: 382 Member
    Added to my workout. Alternating foods every other day (fruit and veggies only one day; that plus lean protein the next day). Helps to keep the water weight away. Eating a 20% cut from my daily TDEE instead of a fixed TDEE. Seems to be working so far.

    Also started taking my breaks at work and walking for 15 min (once or twice daily) instead of just sitting at the desk.
  • leezanicole
    I was all excited to be 179 on Monday morning.. and today 180! :explode:

    *sigh* work harder.
  • elizabethmae1214
    Staying off the scale until Saturday morning. (That's my weigh day, and the one I've been recording on here)
    I have a hard time not over analyzing small changes.

    Switching things up by running 2 of my 5 five runs longer than I have been.

    Hydrating!!! (I think we all say this off and on, for me, sometimes I'm just running around so much and forget to grab some water until I already feel parched)

    Thursday and Friday I'm going to aim for burns that let me eat 1400 cals but still be 250-300 under my goal. I'm playing around with how much of my exercise calories i want to eat back. Some days I have them all, others not. I feel like I need to monitor that more closely.

    Add a couple days of non running cardio like the stairs or elliptical.

    My scale has barely moved in the past week...gotta figure out how to get over this little hump.

    Hope everyone is having a good week and keeps up all the good work!!!!!!!!