Do most people cheat??

Nowadays, it seems like everyone is cheating!! I personally have never had any desire to cheat on a boyfriend who I was really into. I have never cheated at all. It makes me jaded about relationships-like what's the point of being in one if you're not going to be faithful and trustworthy?? I just can't trust any men. Do you think most people cheat, and if they do, are they really in love with their partner??


  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    No. Most people don't cheat.

    But many people don't know when it's over. As a result, they find themselves in dilemmas where they have to choose between passion and promise. You can avoid all that through communication and effort.
  • mrmanmeat
    mrmanmeat Posts: 1,968 Member
    Most people? No.
    Some people? Yes.
    Have I? Yes, once.

    But, you can't let your past determine where you're going in the future. Otherwise, you'll never get away from being in your past.
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    A lot of people do.

    My ex husband did.

    But I refuse to believe all men cheat. There are good ones out there!!! Just like good women..
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I believe most people don't cheat.
  • TheKitsune6
    TheKitsune6 Posts: 5,798 Member
    Stop dating cheaters!
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I cheat at monopoly.
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    :noway: course not!

    I've never cheated nor been cheated on! Make it one of the first things you agree on. I just let the guy know that there is no excuse for it and I will never forgive him, no matter what. Agree that he ends the relationship if its going that badly that he feels the need to hurt you that way.

    I'm not saying talking about it is fool proof but usually if you communcate your biggest fears people tend to respect them.

    You have to trust in order to live a full life. Don't let bad experiences or bad stories mar your trust in a decent man :flowerforyou:
  • will010574
    will010574 Posts: 761 Member
    I am gonna have to go against the grain thus far. I am admittedly somewhat cynical and I don't fully trust a lot of people, but I think most people cheat. I haven't and I think if someone is going to cheat they should break it off with their SO first.

    Either way, yes I think most people cheat and it is only getting worse. Maybe not so much for those of us who are older (don't get bent out of shape 20 something's), but cheating is more prevalent and more accepted. Don't believe me, read these forums, read blogs, talk to strangers...he'll go be a bartender and listen to people. Or just think of your group of 10 close friends...odds are half or more have, are or are seriously considering cheating.

    Our moral character and our desire as a people to stand up for what is right is eroding. It has been replaced with rationalizations and an overwhelming attitude of entitlement.

    My 2 pennies
  • ItsCasey
    ItsCasey Posts: 4,022 Member
    If you mean sexual cheating, no, I don't think most people do. But I also think love has little to do with it. You can love someone and still betray their trust. People do it all the time. And not just in romantic relationships.
  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    I am gonna have to go against the grain thus far. I am admittedly somewhat cynical and I don't fully trust a lot of people, but I think most people cheat. I haven't and I think if someone is going to cheat they should break it off with their SO first.

    Either way, yes I think most people cheat and it is only getting worse. Maybe not so much for those of us who are older (don't get bent out of shape 20 something's), but cheating is more prevalent and more accepted. Don't believe me, read these forums, read blogs, talk to strangers...he'll go be a bartender and listen to people. Or just think of your group of 10 close friends...odds are half or more have, are or are seriously considering cheating.

    Our moral character and our desire as a people to stand up for what is right is eroding. It has been replaced with rationalizations and an overwhelming attitude of entitlement.

    My 2 pennies

    Damn you and your academic answer. Yes, the current gen considers cheating differently than we did. Burst her bubble, damn you.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Doesn't it get old to have sex with the same body all the time?
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    Nope, even spread. But I do think non-cheaters attract or are attracted to cheaters, which obviously sucks for the non-cheaters. I don't think gender plays a role either--men or women equally either cheat or don't. I think when coming out of divorce or a breakup, especially after being cheated on, you're just more aware of it and on guard.
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    It would seem that something happend to inspire this op but with no details it is hard to judge the context.
    No offense intended but tend to be a bit ambivalent about emotion filled but vague things like this.

    What I mean is was the op or a friend clearly cheated on or was there a non exclusive relationship that one part erroneously refused to accept as such now consider themselves cheated on?
  • RunningDirty
    RunningDirty Posts: 293
    Doesn't it get old to have sex with the same body all the time?

    You were doing it wrong. :wink:
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    ummm, MOST? i doubt most. A LOT do, that is true. not ALL people cheat though. i think that technology makes it very easy to hide cheating. and i think that people are so busy with their lives that they forget to appreciate each other and it becomes very easy for someone else to come in, show some attention and off you go............
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    Doesn't it get old to have sex with the same body all the time?

  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    No, not all men cheat....but some do. Is it wrong? YES......I don't understand how one can cheat on their S.O. if they "love them so much". If you "love them so much", then why cheat? Break it off first, let the other person is (for some) and can be very detrimental to them. I know from my experience, that when I love someone, the rest of the world sort of, (for a lack of better words) disappears.
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I think its terrible, I have been on the recieving end of it, I found out by seeing it on video that a friend took at party before I got there. I killed that party when I found out. Worst night ever. That was years ago now.

    I think there is a slight difference "in general" when male and females cheat and the reasons why, I might be alone in think this, but I reckon when guys cheat, they are using their smaller brain, acting phyiscally with a bit of primal instinct blah blah. Then I think when a lady cheats its more of an emotional thing. Ie, boyfriend has been a douche and a *kitten* pushing her away etc. Whilst there are no legit excuses, does anything think there is any logic to what Im saying?
  • Kerri_is_so_very
    Kerri_is_so_very Posts: 1,005 Member
    I am gonna have to go against the grain thus far. I am admittedly somewhat cynical and I don't fully trust a lot of people, but I think most people cheat. I haven't and I think if someone is going to cheat they should break it off with their SO first.

    Either way, yes I think most people cheat and it is only getting worse. Maybe not so much for those of us who are older (don't get bent out of shape 20 something's), but cheating is more prevalent and more accepted. Don't believe me, read these forums, read blogs, talk to strangers...he'll go be a bartender and listen to people. Or just think of your group of 10 close friends...odds are half or more have, are or are seriously considering cheating.

    Our moral character and our desire as a people to stand up for what is right is eroding. It has been replaced with rationalizations and an overwhelming attitude of entitlement.

    My 2 pennies

    Damn you and your academic answer. Yes, the current gen considers cheating differently than we did. Burst her bubble, damn you.

    Personally I don't know how the current generation can even say "cheating" when most of them don't appear to be officially in relationships...they are either hitting this or NSAing that or fwbing one another!!!! How is it even cheating when most don't even know what a committed relationship is in the first place? Not saying it doesn't exist, but it seems common there is a whole lotta hooking up going on".

    Since my divorce I'm finding out who in my circle of friends are cheaters or not. It's funny how some guys act once you become available, even if they are not. Unfortunately there are many reasons for this to take place and for men I think it is more physical and for women more emotional.