
I'm not sure how to start this but here goes. Hi, my name is Bronte and I am from Sydney, Australia. I need some serious help to get motivated enough to majorly slim down. I am not yet quite out of my teens and yet I am too big to handle. I looked in the mirror the other day and just decided that I had to do something... so here I am.
I am just looking for exercise advice and the motivation required to keep going- I am hoping to find that here.


  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Swimming has always been my go to, it`s extremely low impact, it`s just not always fun climbing out of the pool and taking back on the feel of all that weight the water was supporting. Just motivates me to do it again and get the weight off.

    I bike as well, but buying the department store bikes I`ve been bending frames in any decent size bumps... more a problem with how they stress the tubes to run the cables inside instead of mounting them exposed outside. When they bend they always bend at the holes. Find a specialty bike shop and get properly fitted, if you`re fitted for a bike you`ll ride it vastly more often and enjoy the saddle time.

    Walk, get up and walk. That was one of the biggest changes I made that resulted in my gaining weight was I stopped doing my nightly 3-5k walks around the neighbourhood when I moved from the country to the city, still ate as if i was doing those walks though and the pounds crept up. First time walking i had trouble going around the block (too long walking from the door to the car to the office door to the fastfood counter etc) but it doesn`t take long to build up stamina for walking.

    Just get started, find something you can do.
  • Thanks for the advice- I defiantly need to get into walking I'm too embarrassed to go outside and exercise though so I doubt that will happen. I have and will always swim twice a week in my pool (in the backyard)- I have always assumed this was enough but looking at myself lately I realise it defiantly isn't.

    I'm defiantly not confident enough to get myself onto a bike but I think that walking is a good place to start. I still have to study every night so maybe if I start with walks for half-an-hour three times a week, that'll be do able. Does this sound like a good place to start or is it not enough?
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    If you're going from "nothing at all" doing a walk around the block is a start, see how long it takes you, the next time you go out for a walk try to go a bit farther in the same amount of time... and build... either time or distance as you go.

    The pool CAN be deceiving, just being in the water floating around isn't much of a workout, if you're doing laps it gets a bit more purposeful, and if you're playing with diving to grab objects from the bottom you're building your lung capacity which will help when you want to do more walking.