Learning to become independent after losing my parents

tessanne10 Posts: 99 Member
I'm starting to learn to become independent after losing both my parents. Even though my mom passed on 14 years ago, after that it was my dad and I for awhile, then it was a blessing from God that my in-laws accepted my dad as one of their own when I got married.
I bless God everyday for the people he has brought into my life, because they have all been there in one way or another for me after my dad passed on last year.
Dad and I would do alot of things together and now it's just me, which is okay, but I am learning how to become more independent on doing things without someone around all the time. I actually like it, but at times it is lonely.
I have a grief support group I attend on Tuesdays at our local Gilda's Club and I am making some new friends who understand what I am dealing with.
I am fine when I am at home by myself, but I have to push myself to go out and do things.


  • 111grace
    111grace Posts: 382 Member
    Hi I lost my Father around 2007, and My Mother on the 2 October 2014. I just realized the other day I am now an orphan, completely In GOD's hands and care.