should i ?

the first 2 weeks i only worked out 3 times a week but this third week ive been going by schedule should i just start all over or stick to how i am now ?


  • IcassI
    IcassI Posts: 248 Member
    I would continue going. There were a few weeks where I could only work out 4 of the 6 days because of schedule conflicts but I kept going.
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I would just keep going from where you are now instead of starting over.
  • maranatha777
    maranatha777 Posts: 145
    It depends on you. Me personally I would start over because I am a perfectionist :wink: But if you feel like you are doing well and can keep going then I think that is what you should do.
  • brookef81
    brookef81 Posts: 286 Member
    Do what ever you feel comfortable doing...I was religious with the program up until a few weeks ago, but looking back now, there is so much room to make decisions like when to take rest days and when to work out. I say keep going from where you are!