New & in need of support

I've had BED, Non-purging-type bulimia, orthorexia, and EDNOS in that order. Just recently admitted I have a real problem and have been trying to recover for about 6 months. I'm at a "healthy weight", but I really want to get to the weight I was at when I first recovered from the bulimia. I've found that even though counting calories can be triggering and I sometimes get out of control with it, if I don't do it at all I will trick myself and start eating way below what's healthy without consciously realizing it. So. I'm trying to SLOWLY lose some weight without having it get problematic, and none of my friends have any clue about how to not be the opposite of helpful. I'd love it if anyone and everyone would add me. Strength in numbers, right?


  • volatileskin
    volatileskin Posts: 20 Member
    hey! i'm trying to recover and lose weight healthily too ..this has been pretty helpful so far with keeping me accountable about eating too little/too much, so hopefully you've come to the right place :)