Introduce yourself!

Where about are you in our beautiful country?
What is your goal?
Do you need motivation?
Busy family life?
What exercise do you find the best?
Any tips?


    SCMPSCMP Posts: 5
    I am 30 and live in North Wales. I am a receptionist so don't get a lot of exercise as I often work the late shift and I am not really a morning person!
    I live with my fiance who is lovely and all ways says nice things about the way I look but i am not happy with my thighs, hips and my belly!

    I started off trying to lose 2 stone or 29lbs in February but it didn't go well! Gladly I did not gain weight between then and now which is a bonus. With the weather hopefully getting better it may help me to get motivated.

    I love playing on the kinect and doing Just Dance 3 and am going to try out zumba, I might build up the confidence to go to the gym someday!
  • myf1101
    myf1101 Posts: 99
    I am 46 and live in West(ish) Wales and work as a lecturer in business management. Usually work two evenings a week and at least one 13 hour day, but have n ice long summer holidays - 7 weeks this year. I am married with 2 children (if you can call a 20 year old and 17 year old children).

    I lost a stone 2 years ago and then stuck until I joined MFP, I have now lost almost 17lbs but need to lose another 28lbs to hit my goal.

    I love my exercise bike and walking but also use the Wii Fit, Just Dance 1,2, or 3 and aerobic DVD's to mix up my exercise. This last week I have been trying to eat my main meal at mid-day and so far I have had surprisingly positive results, I honestly didn't think it would make such a difference, but it has. Didn't really get on with Wii Zumba and don't really think I'll ever get to the gym but you never know stranger things have happened:)
  • Hi, I'm Kellie from Port Talbot. I'm 27, and work as a barmaid. Been here about 6 months and loving how supportive everyone is here!! Less than half way til I reach my goal!!
  • cside691
    cside691 Posts: 39 Member

    I'm Jan and live in West Wales. I work in local government and live with my husband and 2 children (aged 18 and 20) and have another son who is 21 in the army.

    I registered with this site months ago but only started using it fully a couple of months ago.

    I was using Tesco diets but cannot justify paying the fees when I can't keep to the diet plan.

    Looking for inspiration and motivation.
  • coxy96
    coxy96 Posts: 7
    hi im stuart im 29, i live in swansea engaged to fox46 on here and we have an amazing dog lexi. just want to be happy in myself again and be healthier.
  • Hi I am Ant, a northerner!

    I go under my pen name on this site. I've had a major life change to be honest 40+kg loss, excercise & positivity all things I have never done/has before!!

    I'm always up for sharing and gaining new knowledge on how to be healthy and getting to know some honest folk ;)
  • Hi im stacey age 22 from southwales. Starting the whole diet thing off again tomorrow could do with some support and friend add me staceyhughes021289
  • welshcake78
    welshcake78 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am Karen, I am 34 and I live in South West Wales. I live with my partner, no children yet, but hopefully soon! I am a nurse and work an erratic shift pattern.
    I have been Yo-Yo dieting for most of my life and I feel like this is my last chance of shedding the lb's.
  • mormas
    mormas Posts: 188 Member

    So good to have a Welsh group. I'm Rhian, and I live in Caerphilly, South Wales with My husband and two boys (aged 8 and 5).

    Looking to loose a pile of weight (about 70lb) and could do with the support

    Feel free to add me.
  • Hi, I live in North Wales and am absolutely fed up to the back teeth of not being able to lose weight. i have tried everything (short of surgery) WW, SW, R.Con......everything. I used to be really active and did circuit training, aerobics, jogging, etc etc but since having the children and changing jobs - and getting older !! things have slowed down a little ! I have started exercising a lot more and now follow the R.Con diet but it just is not working. I hate how I look in the mirror......and just want to feel good about myself. I have lost inches but not weight. It is affecting my confidence......I feel that everyone sees a fat person. Ive put my goals in and it says i should have 1200 calories a day - how am I going to achieve that - I can do 1400-1500 but whats the easiest way to do 1200 - what can I eat that wont leave me feeling deprived - whats the best way of stretching the calories?

    BTW - its great to see a group on here for us in Wales - makes me feel that I am not in this alone
  • sarah5423
    sarah5423 Posts: 152 Member
    Not many Welsh people here... I'm from South Wales, Pontypridd but currently living in Perth, Australia hoping to find some friendships from home :smile:
  • CardiffWookie
    CardiffWookie Posts: 1 Member
    Hi All
    26 office worker living in and from Cardiff , from 2010-2011 i dropped 4.5 stone and kept it off but now slipped back up over half stone and want to lose the half stone but drop more and try to gain muscle tone at same time, have a gym membership but going slipped from 4 times a week to once in a month but trying to get back to 3 gym sessions a week plus boxercise
  • Hello everyone.
    I am 28yo and in South Wales. I am looking to lose 6 stone (80+), have already lost 21.5lbs, so happy with my progress so far.
    I have a range of medical issues that limit my exercise choices. So will be doing Yoga, Pilates and walking, as well as sticking to Slimming World. It's worked so far.

    I am in a much better place than I have been of late and I know 2013 will be my year. Although I like who I am, I don't like what I look like. For that to change, I need to get off my *kitten* and do something about it.

    Hope you have a fantastic Christmas all xx
  • Hi people I am stacey living in South Wales could do with some friends on here for some incouragment, add me staceyhughes021289
  • Hi, I've just turned the dreaded 40 and live in Pembrokeshire. I am a classic yo yo dieter who loses a couple of stone, just enough to make me feel better, and then put it all back on plus a couple of pound each time. New to this site but loving it so far.
  • cheeki119
    cheeki119 Posts: 53 Member
    Im in the North in Llandudno, I want to lose about another 50lb and am always in need of mor motivation =p i love running which isnt always easy with our lovely weather and love the kinect and dvd workouts x
  • Hi,

    I'm in South East Valleys - have just moved back here from Dorset. It's good to be home! I am going to lose 60lbs and get back into shape. I'm 37 and am sick of being unhappy with the way I look and am not going to make any more excuses for myself (the weather is too bad, I'm too tired, or my personal favourite 'I'll just have this cake / pizza / chocolate and then I'll be good from tomorrow'). I got engaged last March to my lovely Mr B, and its just occurred to me that if I don't start doing something, I'll hate my wedding photos too.

    I'm rubbish at running, so I've started doing lots of walking, skating and strength training at home. Hoping to get the good habits sorted out NOW, so that once I get a job, they'll be there and I won't be able to excuse myself from being healthy all over again.

    How's everyone else doing at the moment?

    A x
  • Hi, I'm Shell from Flintshire in the North, though I'm originally from Cumbria.
    This is my first day on MFP and I was truly horrified to see my allowance of just 1250 cals as I have a navvy's appetite and could manage that for breakfast. After 30 years of yoyoing up and down stones at a time I am determined to make this site work. It's nice to find some local people on here and I hope we can encourage each other. I go to the gym 3 times a week, but can't say I really like exercising, but I love to walk our little dog every day. I'm half excited and half frightened at the prospect of the days to come.
  • wheezeybouncer
    wheezeybouncer Posts: 122 Member
    Hello From Llanelli!

    I moved here 18months ago from London, bringing my husband and 3 children. And none of them would go back there to live :O)

    I'm a 37yo Mam and a carer to aging parents. I have a long term goal in mind, that I'm hitting in bite size peices of 1-2lbs a week. If anyone is closeish to me and wants to meet for a cuppa and a walk I'd love it.

    I'm doing the Race for Life on June 9th and planning on jogging at least some, if not all of it- I want to finish in less than 1hr!

  • Hi I'm another one from llanelli. I'm a stay at home mum to my 3 lil munchkins (6, 5 & 4) aswell as a registered carer for my 6 year old. I'm aiming to finally lose the 4 stone that I put on after having the kids and havent been able to shift yet! Hopefully I'll be in a lot better shape this time next year cause I dont wanna look like a whale when on hols in mexico!